So water baptism brings the remission of sins, the person on his death bed or any other person who is unable to be baptized (people in jail etc.,) will not receive remission of sins because they will not have the opportunity to be baptized?
Is this what you are saying?
Is this what you are saying?
just stating a fact baptism is performed in water and done in Jesus name for the remission of sins because a person believes jesus died for thier sins.
i hadnt said any of what your saying there.
i do t I is how many people are going to actually convert on thier death bed honestly but it’s not hard for a believer to get baptized most churches do it .
The thing I believe that we miss about it is this in a biblical discussion forum there’s so much written and taught about it in tbe epistles and how it applies to the believer and it’s all really important stuff that’s taught about it
so if we would t just argue and tell each other what we think and how they are wrong or just basically make an enemy of anyone who doesn’t fully agree on every point we make . Instead of we would look into what the Bible says about it and then discuss those points tbat the bi ke makes of them well understand baptism and then will agree more because we’re basing it on what the Bible says about it … a Bible discussion forum
I’m certainly no one to judge a man on his death bed that’s between he and Jesus and children I don’t need to defend because thier angels are always in gods presence gazing at his face and he defends them the innocent.
I’m just a retired old man with not much to do in a Bible discussion forum tryomg here to discuss the Bible and some of the things it teaches believes , in this case baptism we could learn it if we just pray and dedicate ten min a day between God and our Bible .
that’s my only intention here. Not to disagree and argue and make enemies sister but to discuss like two believers the bible and it’s doctrines
I’ve never said someone who doesn’t get baptized is lost in my whole life . I’m just saying the bi ke teaches us to get baptized when we believe the gospel in Jesus name for remission of sins and this action the process happens in water. It always has. The spirit still comes from heaven like it did at jesus baptism in water when he emerged from water the spirit came from heaven like Peter explains in acts chapter 2 .
just like jesus promised in the gospel when he was about to be glorified . It says not believing the gospel is what damns a soul it doesn’t say “ of anyone believes the gospel and then can’t for some reason get baptized they are lost “
But faith hears what he said will save us and believes is the point “ whoever hears and believes the gospel and is baptized shall be saved “
We should hear that and believe and let God handle people who werent able to for some reason but they truly believed he’s the judge anyways any judgements I would be foolish enough to make on them would be irrelevant to them and just bring judgement in myself and I don’t need anymore of that Newp
good to hear from you sis but you misunderstood o was t talking about how we get lost just sharing that the Bible says baptism is actually important for believers and there’s a few chapters about it in tbe epietles explaining it ect it’s there for us to learn from and believe so we know and come more in line with understanding ot because we’re lost otherwise but because our understanding doesn’t grow up unless we do listen forget to what it teaches us in scripture I’m of course speaking of things in a bible discussion forum
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