So I'll ask
you what you asked me (except my viewpoint has an answer

), do you not believe that there will be those who "rule over" others? [Rev2:26-27; Rev19:15
b; Lk19:12,15,17,19 / Matt25:14-30; Matt25:[40,45(who are not BEING judged/separated here)],46b (who ARE); Dan12:13 / Rev19:9 [distinct from v.7]; Matt24:42-51; Matt22:9-14... on and on...]
A few things to consider (to address all of your above posting):
--"Behold, I
*WE* shall not all sleep, but
*WE* shall
ALL be changed
in the twinkling of an eye..." [<--the precise moment when one day turns into the next, when the sun is eight-degrees below the horizon
AT SUNDOWN; aka the
"DARK / DARKNESS [/IN THE NIGHT]" ARRIVAL of "the DOTL" time period that
*WE* ["the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY"] will not step ONE FOOT INTO... aka the 7-yr Trib starting with SEAL #1], where this
*WE* of 1Cor15:51-54 is speaking [
specifically to/for/about "the Church
WHICH IS HIS BODY" and thus the subject being covered is governed by the
"[you] WE / WE," here, speaking to/for/about that very Body (not all other saints of all OTHER time periods;
ex: Eph1:10 is
not speaking of NOW / this PRESENT age, whereas the rest of Eph
is [Eph1:20-23
WHEN (as to its existence)]; let the readers note that "the least of these My brethren" vv.40,45 are NOT the ones BEING judged/separated in this passage / in this judgment [not that they are the children either, I don't mean that]);
--there will be babies being born even DURING the TRIB years... and when they are, say, 2-3-4-5 possibly even 6 yrs old at the time Christ RETURNS
to the earth FOR the
earthly MK age to commence, Jesus is not going to say, "
Come, ye BLESSED of My Father, INHERIT the kingdom HAVING BEEN PREPARED
apo] the foundation of the world"...
but leave your little ones OUT... your little ones MUST DIE with the LOST / UNSAVED / WICKED / CURSED.
No. [and yes, these SHEEP (/ the righteous) of the nations will ENTER the
EARTHLY MK age in their mortal bodies--
they've not been promised "RAPTURE [
IN THE AIR]" which is
for distinct purposes (intended
SOLELY FOR "the Church
Zech14:16-19 is stating
"the rules" of that
earthly MK age ("do
this, or
else [or else
that will happen]")... IOW, "this is how it's gonna be," here in / during the MK age
That's enough for the readers to chew on for now...
Yes, I believe that
Rev20:8's "the number of whom is as the sand of the sea" is due to an INCREASE (in population) from the point in time 1000 yrs prior when they [saints only] ENTERED the MK age... (i.e. not that many folks will have ENTERED the MK age at its START)... and this reflects
what Matt24:37 / Lk17:26 "
AS the days of Noah were..." [note: "and DESTROYED [G622] ALL" refers to the
so COMPARE this with both Dan2:35c and Gen9:1 "[actively] FILLED/FILL the [whole] EARTH" (i.e. it will INCREASE in population over those 1000 yrs)