The Rapture

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Senior Member
Oct 13, 2017
Please try to speak in lamens terms, i have no ideal what eschatology means.

i started studying the Word at age 10 or 11. By the age of 12 i had read the entire Bible front to back 3 times. lived in a Monastery, countless hours of studying the Word, Hebrew, Greek. Now i have read the entire Bible over 80 times in my life, and NONE of it compares to what God told me in our conversations. i would have many questions prepared to ask Him when He came to talk with me again, and He would answer them all. i would ask question and He would tell me the answers. So i really never cared for what theologians say or teach. If i have learned from God Himself, what need would there be for me to learn what men teach, theologians or otherwise. Why would i care to go and learn about the 4, what did you call it, scrolling up...... OH yeah, why would i care to go and learn the 4 views of eschatology, when what i know is what God told me. Does that make any since for a person who is taught by God to go and try to be taught by what other men think and believe? What i teach is what God has told me. Now granted there are things that i can still learn, because there were plenty of questions that i did not ask Him during our conversations, because He stopped talking with me, when i ran from God in 1994. Haven't heard a peep from Him since. OK tearing up again, i can't think about that too long, i will start balling. Anyways what i do teach is what God has told me, therefore why would i need to learn about eschatology?

Are you suggesting God CAN'T reveal it to anyone at all? Know you not that all things are possible to them that know God? Ask and you shall receive, believing you shall receive it. Are you saying if a person asks God to resolve those parts of Scriptures that He will not do it? If you want you prayers answered you should do these things in order for God to answer your questions, and He will but only if you do these things. Click HERE to find out what those things are.

There is ONE Truth, and that is what God gives to whomever God reveals it.

Sorry not interested. But if it offends you that i do not take a look at it. i will take a look at it if you ask me again.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

Your ignorance of the word eschatology is amazing. You didn't bother to look it up. It is the study of the end times. Daniel, Revelation, and other scriptures in various books. It is a large field of study. A major problem is the symbolism in Daniel and Revelation. There are sites dedicated to information about the subject. I pointed you to a site that has the four different end times views. You keep discussing the issue in ignorance that it is a large field of study with theologians for centuries creating the four different views. That site explains the four different Biblical views about end times (eschatology). Go read that site and get educated on end times theology. You will find that you don't know as much as you think you do. I did a lot of study on the subject and had classes in it. Very murky due to the symbolism. Therefore the four different Biblical views.
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Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
Its all one work of His faith that works in us to both will and do His good pleasure in the twinkling of the eye. No time lapse needed.
Excuse me? "one work of HIS faith" circle talking must be catching?


DiscipleDave quote;
"Who do you think gathers the Church? So Jesus comes down from Heaven to Gather the Church then goes back to Heaven and comes back again, which is what YOU call the second coming. Is that what you are trying to teach? That Jesus coming back the THIRD time is actually the second coming? Seriously? The 2nd coming of Christ is when He comes to the Earth the second time, this second time is when He gathers up the Church. Where in all of Scriptures does it teach that Christ comes a third time? It doesn't, that is what YOU teach, based on your false interpretations of the Word of God, which interpretations does not belong to men, but is for God to reveal to whom God will reveal them to. lol. According to you the second coming of Jesus Christ is the third time He comes to Earth. Clearly you do not understand the TRUTH, and would rather rely on YOUR own interpretations then to believe someone who says God told them exactly what is going to happen. Sad indeed. Believe your own interpretation over what God told me is going to happen. Sad."
Well if you count rev 14,and 1 thes 4 you will have even more "comings"

You have too much doctrine originating off of a cliche.


I gave up trying to decipher eschatology many many moons ago. I'm 73 and from about 17 to 25 I studied it hard from time to time. Confusion remained. Later I became a deacon and then an elder and had multiple classes in the subject as part of the training for those positions. What I learned was the reason for my confusion. There are 4 Biblical and conflicting views of eschatology. The church I was attending at that time had 4 pastors. It was humorous that each pastor favored a different view but acknowledged that they could be wrong. Those four views theologians have discussed for centuries and all remain Biblical.

There is absolutely no way to resolve those parts of scripture today. So your question is impossible to answer correctly. You can pick one of them but there is no definitive solution.

Here is a site giving the 4 views.
The 4 views on this site are nothing more that the opinions of men.
Non of them are correct. Like all commentaries, they only give the opinion of those writing them.
As we get closes to the end time, we can have a more complete understanding if we study the Scripture, current events, and pray for understanding. Commentaries are the last place to find the truth.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2015
Since the early 19th century numerous conservative scholars have commented on Revelation and no two of them agree on all points. To believe that we are going to resolve any or all of the different opinions among the scholars is either arrogant or ignorant at best. All we can hope to accomplish is to share our thoughts and see whether they stand up to the attacks they will and should face.


there are more than 4 "views"

Heaven has a view. That view is centered around the groom,Jesus.
What most do is center around earth and man,or mans relationship to the great tribulation.

I will stick to heavens view.


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
I read and believe that at the last trump when Jesus appears on the clouds, those who sleep
in the dust will be taken up by His angels followed immediately by His angels taking up those
who are yet alive.

Is this the rapture? I do not find such a teaching named such in the Word..........thank you. God bless you.


Who do you think gathers the Church? So Jesus comes down from Heaven to Gather the Church then goes back to Heaven and comes back again, which is what YOU call the second coming. Is that what you are trying to teach? That Jesus coming back the THIRD time is actually the second coming? Seriously? The 2nd coming of Christ is when He comes to the Earth the second time, this second time is when He gathers up the Church. Where in all of Scriptures does it teach that Christ comes a third time? It doesn't, that is what YOU teach, based on your false interpretations of the Word of God, which interpretations does not belong to men, but is for God to reveal to whom God will reveal them to. lol. According to you the second coming of Jesus Christ is the third time He comes to Earth. Clearly you do not understand the TRUTH, and would rather rely on YOUR own interpretations then to believe someone who says God told them exactly what is going to happen. Sad indeed. Believe your own interpretation over what God told me is going to happen. Sad.

Now lets look at what your order of event are and see if they line up with Scriptures.

[/B]Question: During the 1000 year Reign of Christ, who does Christ and the Saints reign over? The Saints Reign with Jesus. So don't say Jesus reigns over the Saints. So You have Jesus Gathering up the Church/Rapture, so then all the Saints are gone. And then you have the 7 year Tribulation period next, which gets rid of ALL the wicked who were not taken up with Christ. Then you have the 1000 year reign of Christ, if the Good are Raptured and the wicked are killed in the 7 year Tribulation Period, who does Christ and the Saints reign over?

Also, Do you not believe Scriptures which teach that we reign with Christ ON EARTH?

Jer_23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.

This verse prophesies that Jesus will be King that reigns and prospers, and He shall execute Judgement and justice IN THE EARTH. Tell me when according to YOUR order of events does this prophesy take place? At the Rapture, according to you He gathers up the Church then goes back to Heaven, so it can't be there. This prophesy does not fit into YOUR order at the time of the 1000 year reign where you have it either. Because where you have it, the Good and the bad are all gone, correct. So How can Jesus execute Judgment if there is NOBODY to judge? So then this prophesy is ONLY fulfilled when Jesus is ON the Earth, reigning over people who are in need of Judgements. Where does that fit into YOUR order of events, please tell.

Rev_5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Rev_20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

We, the Saints shall reign over WHO, on the Earth, for a thousand years? Do you know this, or is your interpretations flawed?You see, you teach that Christ comes to the Earth and Raptures the Church and then goes back to Heaven. Scriptures does not teach that ANYWHERE at all, that is what YOU interpret and is NOT what Scriptures teach. Scriptures teach when Christ comes back and gathers up the Saints we will then at that time reign with Him ON THE EARTH for a thousand years. That is what Scriptures teach, and Scriptures is contrary to what you teach. Scriptures says we reign with Christ ON EARTH for a thousand years. Again Who do we reign over?

Can't you see Scriptures teach contrary to your order of events above?

Wait there are tons of Scriptures which proves YOUR order of events can't possibly be correct. Consider the following verse. You have the Holy City coming down after the Rapture, correct? Yes you do. You have the Holy City coming down after the 1000 year reign, correct? Yes you do. You have the Holy City coming down after the Great White Throne Judgment, correct? Yes you do. Then please explain these verses:
Rev_20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

This camp of the SAINTS is ON EARTH, which is to say a place where the SAINTS are at. So they compassed the camp of the SAINTS And the beloved City? tell me what city is called the beloved City? That is the Holy City of God. The New Jerusalem

Rev_21:2 And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Rev_22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this book.

Heb_11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

Heb_11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

Heb_12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

Heb_13:14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

Joh_14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
(And where will He be? IN the Beloved City with the Saints reigning over those that are on the Earth.)

Rev_20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the Beloved City: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Now according to YOUR order of events the Holy city comes down AFTER the 7 year Tribulation Period where all the wicked are destroyed. AFTER the Great White Throne Judgement where satan and demons and all his followers are judged and cast into Hell. So then tell me WHO ARE THEY that are devoured for coming against the HOLY CITY?

Also this verse is contrary to the Holy City coming down in the end:

Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with MEN, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Notice Scriptures plainly teaches that the Holy City comes down out of Heaven, and that Jesus is going to be the God of these MEN. Notice it did not say Saints, but clearly says men. Other Scriptures from the Major Prophets also teach that too.

Here is yet more verses which is contrary to YOUR order of events.

You say Christ comes and get the Church, then goes back to Heaven, then He comes back to Earth with the New Jerusalem AFTER all the wicked people are gone, correct? After 7 year Tribulation, After the 1,000 years, AFTER the Great White Throne. So tell me, where does this prophecy fit into YOUR order of events?

Psa 72:7 In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Yea, ALL KINGS shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.

Tell me, where do you placed this event in YOUR ORDER? Do you believe Scriptures? These verses plainly teaches that ALL KINGS, and ALL NATIONS will serve Jesus Christ. So tell me where does that fit into YOUR ORDER of events? If ALL KINGS and ALL NATIONS will bow down to Jesus and serve Him, Who are these people? They are NOT Saints they are already taken up with Jesus Christ. So when, according to you, will this prophesy be fulfilled? When will Jesus be ON EARTH right along with those who are NOT Saints, and All the Kings of the Earth will fall down and worship Him, and ALL nations shall serve Him. When is that happen according to YOUR ORDER of events?

Can you explain this verse:

Zec_14:16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

When is this prophesy going to Happen according to YOUR ORDER of events? This verse plainly teaches that these wicked and evil nations that come against Jerusalem (Which i know to be the Holy City) will come up to worship Jesus from year to year. Really, Year to Year these wicked people who attacked Jerusalem will come up to WORSHIP JESUS, really? When does this happen according to YOUR ORDER of events? When is Jesus here on the EARTH reigning, where people come up year to year to worship Him? Can you explain that?

The Lord even says if they (these wicked people) do not come up year to year to worship Him, that He will cause it not to rain in their lands.

Zec 14:17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

So when, according to YOUR ORDER of events will Jesus force people to come and worship Him every Year, or He will not let it rain on their crops and the such? When does that happen according to YOUR interpretations? i don't think you can, because you do not understand the TRUTH which God has told me, and what He has told me lines up with ALL OF SCRIPTURES.

Can you place this prophesy someplace in YOUR ORDER of events that you give, please tell me where this prophesy fits?

Mic 4:1 But in the last days (So we are talking about what is yet to come) it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.

What is your interpretation concerning the House of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains? And what is your interpretation that when this does happen, PEOPLE shall flow unto it? lets continue:

Mic 4:2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the HOUSE of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

So then in the last days this event will happen. That many nations will come to the HOUSE of God, and Jesus will teach PEOPLE the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (NEW) When does this happen? lets continue:

Mic 4:3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

This verse plainly and clearly teaches that JESUS is going to rebuke strong nations afar off. Jesus is also going to cause Wars to STOP, and there will be no more WARS nations against nations, Why? Because Jesus is here at that time, is why.

i have showed you but a few verses which plainly teach that Christ is coming to the Earth to RULE over all the Kingdoms of this planet. Kings will bow down to Him, Nations will serve Him. PEOPLE from all over the World will come up year to year to participate in the Feast of Tabernacles, if they don't come up to the HOLY CITY, Jesus will cause it not to rain for those nations that will not come up to Him. When Christ comes back to the Earth the second time, HE will be coming in the New City Jerusalem and when He gets here He will travel around the planet gathering up the True Saints, and the Saints who were first taken up by Him, will travel with Him around the world gathering up all the Saints with Him. Jesus and the Saints will all live in the Holy City, where each and every Saint will have their own Mansion. Jesus and us Saints will reign over all the inhabitants of the Earth, all Kings and all nations will come up to Our City year to year. Howbeit when it first appears and people vanish all over the planet, all nations will rise against the Holy City and try to attack it, they all will die miserably, those who are left and did not go to attack the Holy City will be those who we reign over for a short time.

YOUR ORDER of events does not line up with Scriptures, and if you can't see that, then you are Truly blind, and desire to remain blind, because you refuse to hear the Words of God who told me what is going to happen. i say God told me, but you do not believe. Whose fault is that if you do not believe that God told me these things.

You say and teach that the New City Jerusalem comes at the end, when Saints have all been Raptured, and all the wicked are Judged during the Great White Throne and cast into Hell. Then AFTER all this the Holy City comes down. This teaching is contrary to MANY Scriptures, here is but another that just came to me off the top of my head:

Rev_21:24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it (The Holy City Jerusalem): and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

Did you catch that? KINGS of the Earth are still here, they are NOT Saints, they are not cast into Hell yet, but they bring their glory and honour into the New Jerusalem. Know you not that the entire Chapter of Revelation 21 is talking specifically about the NEW JERUSALEM during the New Heaven and the New Earth? Verse 24 says the kings are still here during that time, can you fit that into your interpretation of YOUR ORDER of events, or is that something you will ignore because it does not fit into YOUR doctrine?

i have told you the TRUTH, and all liars shall burn in the lake of fire and brimstone (Rev 21:8) What then? You think i am lying when i say God told me these things? Would that not make me a LIAR if i say God told me and He did not tell me? Let me burn in hell for all eternity if i am lying. Is it not written to try the spirits to see if they are TRUE or not? And how do you try the Spirits? By the Word of God is how. So then go to the Word of God and try to prove something that i have said above is unscriptural. But i already know this generation, they will not go to the Word of God to try to prove something above is unscriptural, they will not do anything at all because it is contrary to what they THINK is the Truth, based on teachings from men, and from their own interpretations, which thing is not for man, but for God, and will dismiss what i say above, NOT because it is contrary to any Scripture, but contrary to the false doctrine that they call truth.


††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††

I do not think awatukee believes what you are accusing him of.

I did not see any reference in your mapping of events to the marriage supper,or the bride,bridegroom dynamic.

So,you left out PURPOSE. I have to assume you do not know the purpose for the rapture.
You need to drop the "God showed me", and submit to the word.

You have SOME info . But you frame it as the whole picture,not knowing that rev 14 and 19 pretty much gut your mapping of events.

Apparently you are also unaware that satan is loosed for the final battle after the 1000 k


Dear brethren,

We have the bible,the word of GOD.

SO, if you claim ( " God showed me so' discussion over'), and the bible refutes it, you need more investigation into your theology


I read and believe that at the last trump when Jesus appears on the clouds, those who sleep
in the dust will be taken up by His angels followed immediately by His angels taking up those
who are yet alive.

Is this the rapture? I do not find such a teaching named such in the Word..........thank you. God bless you.
Nor is the name Jesus in the original if you want to get hyper technical.

Nor is bible,trinity,demon, or Jesus in a white robe.

So what,would you have us do?

Not discuss it over some non issue?


I have always preferred discussion over concept vs concept,or dynamic vs dynamic.

Take the "one taken,one left verse.

Folks try to force that into some gathering of the wicked.
Ask yourself why.
They even asked him WHERE? Where are they taken? They asked.

Jesus responds with a riddle.

Riddles taken literal.

Hence deception


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
The truth is Jesus is the transliteration from Latin to English of Yesu which is a tranliteration of Iesou in Greek which is the transliteration from Yeshua, the original name of Jesus.

If you would be complete in translation of His name you could easily call His name, The Salvation of the Self-Existing."

Some may say the Salvation of I Am, and that too would be sufficient.

As for finding theword, Rapture, I ask if th reference is to my reference. That is all.

Nor is the name Jesus in the original if you want to get hyper technical.

Nor is bible,trinity,demon, or Jesus in a white robe.

So what,would you have us do?

Not discuss it over some non issue?


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
I read and believe that at the last trump when Jesus appears on the clouds, those who sleep
in the dust will be taken up by His angels followed immediately by His angels taking up those
who are yet alive.

Is this the rapture? I do not find such a teaching named such in the Word..........thank you. God bless you.

Are you talking about the word "RAPTURE", IF SO, then you can find this word in the LATIN VULGATE. NOW I KNOW,, you are going to say something about the Latin Vulgate. While it is the Book itself that might be in question, the Latin Language is not.

In 1 Thes 4:17..."Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." KJV 1611v.

"shall be caught up" g726 ----ἁρπάζω harpazō in the the same as:Greek

1 Thes 4:17..."ἔπειτα ἡμεῖς οἱ ζῶντες οἱ περιλειπόμενοι ἅμα σὺν αὐτοῖς ἁρπαγησόμεθα ἐν νεφέλαις εἰς ἀπάντησιν τοῦ κυρίου εἰς ἀέρα καὶ οὕτως πάντοτε σὺν κυρίῳ ἐσόμεθα " MGNT

Harpozo------"Shall be Caught up" g726 ----ἁρπάζω harpazō in the MGNT/(LXX).....the same as: Latin

1 Thes 4:17..."deinde nos qui vivimus qui relinquimur simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Domino in aera et sic semper cum Domino erimus" Latin Vulgate

simul rapiemur (suddenly caught up) ----Shall be Caught up" g726 -----ἁρπάζω harpazō in the Latin Vulgate

Rapiemur is where the English language gets it word RAPTURE...(Rapio)

Type: verb;

first-person plural future passive indicative of rapiō "we shall be snatched, we shall be grabbed, we shall be carried off"




Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
I read and believe that at the last trump when Jesus appears on the clouds, those who sleep
in the dust will be taken up by His angels followed immediately by His angels taking up those
who are yet alive.

Is this the rapture? I do not find such a teaching named such in the Word..........thank you. God bless you.

Are you talking about the word "RAPTURE", IF SO, then you can find this word in the LATIN VULGATE. NOW I KNOW,, you are going to say something about the Latin Vulgate. While it is the Book itself that might be in question, the Latin Language is not.

In 1 Thes 4:17..."Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." KJV 1611v.

"shall be caught up" g726 ----ἁρπάζω harpazō in the the same as:Greek

1 Thes 4:17..."ἔπειτα ἡμεῖς οἱ ζῶντες οἱ περιλειπόμενοι ἅμα σὺν αὐτοῖς ἁρπαγησόμεθα ἐν νεφέλαις εἰς ἀπάντησιν τοῦ κυρίου εἰς ἀέρα καὶ οὕτως πάντοτε σὺν κυρίῳ ἐσόμεθα " MGNT

Harpozo------"Shall be Caught up" g726 ----ἁρπάζω harpazō in the MGNT/(LXX).....the same as: Latin

1 Thes 4:17..."deinde nos qui vivimus qui relinquimur simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Domino in aera et sic semper cum Domino erimus" Latin Vulgate

simul rapiemur (suddenly caught up) ----Shall be Caught up" g726 -----ἁρπάζω harpazō in the Latin Vulgate

Rapiemur is where the English language gets it word RAPTURE...(Rapio)

Type: verb;

first-person plural future passive indicative of rapiō "we shall be snatched, we shall be grabbed, we shall be carried off"




Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
How can I delete one of those post above..they are the same....I have run over the 5 min and it will not give the ability to erase it.




Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
I read and believe that at the last trump when Jesus appears on the clouds, those who sleep
in the dust will be taken up by His angels followed immediately by His angels taking up those
who are yet alive.

Is this the rapture? I do not find such a teaching named such in the Word..........thank you. God bless you.
Greetings JaumeJ,

First of all, there is nothing mentioned regarding church in John 14:1-3, 1 Thes.4:13-17, 1 Cor.15:51-53, that says anything about angels gathering the church. What it does say is that Christ descends from heaven and the dead in Christ rise first. Immediately after that, those in Christ who are still alive will be changed and "caught up" with the resurrected in the clouds, where the entire church meets the Lord in the air.

One of the major problems regarding this subject, is not discerning that the gathering of the church and the Lord's return to the earth as being two separate events. Regarding this, my guess is that you are interpreting Matt.24:31, where the Lord sends out his angels to gather his elect, as referring to the gathering of the church. However, that scripture is in reference to when the Lord returns to the earth to end the age and establish his millennial kingdom and not the gathering of the church. Furthermore, according to the parable of the wheat and weeds, the weeds are first gathered by the angels and then the wheat. Those who will be gathered will be Israel and the great tribulation saints, who will enter into the millennial kingdom in their mortal bodies and will be those who repopulate the earth during the millennial period.

Is this the rapture? I do not find such a teaching named such in the Word..........thank you. God bless you
BladeRunner is correct in that, the word "rapture" is from the Latin Vulgate. The actual Greek word is "harpazo" with both words having the same meaning of "to snatch away, force suddenly exercised, catch away."

So the scripture says: "then we who are still alive will be "caught up" with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."

Blessing to you!


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
Thank you. I was almost certain I had read in dne version or another that Christ would appear on the c louds with a shout and He would "send forth His angles first togather those who sleep in the dust and then those who are yet quick in the flesh.!

I am very sorry for that error..... God bless you.


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
Thank you. I was almost certain I had read in dne version or another that Christ would appear on the c louds with a shout and He would "send forth His angles first togather those who sleep in the dust and then those who are yet quick in the flesh.!

I am very sorry for that error..... God bless you.
I went to the extreme, I Googled something, Mark 13:27, but it still does not say exactly what I thought I recalled......... Perhaps in my mind dI put this together witht he verse about first the dead will rise then those who are yet quick.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
I went to the extreme, I Googled something, Mark 13:27, but it still does not say exactly what I thought I recalled......... Perhaps in my mind dI put this together witht he verse about first the dead will rise then those who are yet quick.
Hello again JaumeJ,

“At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens
Yes, Mark 13:27 is the same event as described in Matt.24:30-31, which is when the Lord returns to the earth physically and visually to end the age and which takes place after the 7th bowl has been poured out, which completes God's wrath (Rev.15:1). Rev.19:11-21 is also referring to the same event, but with other details.

It is also important to understand that the "first resurrection" is made of stages, Jesus the first fruits of the first resurrection, with the church being next (John 14:1-3, 1 Thes.4:13-18) and the two witnesses. The 144,000 are caught up like the living church in the middle of the seven years. And then you have the resurrection of the great tribulation saints which takes place after the Lord returns to the earth to end the age (Rev.20:4-6). The resurrection of the unrighteous takes place at the end of the thousand years which is not apart of the first resurrection (Rev.20:11-15).


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
In the past my practice when reading Revelation is to also read Daniel and vice versa. I do not pretend to understand all of the prophesies, actually not even the majority of them, so what I feel I do understand I hold inside, just as Mary would keep things to herself that her Son would do. I do not worship Mary but I do know she is the most blessed among women, and in her own right, she was a very wise young woman and older woman.

Also, because of what the Angel said to Daniel, I am awaiting the general revelation of those words. That generation to come.
Right now I am wondering if this new proclamation about the Jerusalem being capital of Israel may ot just be a heralding of the coming tribulation, again, I am just wondering, not proclaiming.

God bless you dear brother.