Jesus the Messiah, The Word of GOD, our Savior, The Lamb of God, the Kings of Kings, The Prince of Peace, The Good Shepherd, The resurrection and the Life, The High priest, our Advocate Before God our father in heaven, The chief cornerstone, the Alpha and the Omega, the Judge, the Mighty GOD who fulfilled the law and prophets, explained there are two paths one can take, one to eternal life and one to perdition. Which one are you taking? Jesus said and quoted the commandments as the means for salvation. His words are true and certain. Then Why do you follow Paul the Pharisee, and to use Paul's own words, not mine; The least of the Apostles, The chief of sinners, Less than the least of all the saints, who persecuted the church of God and murdered the saints. Why would you reject the teachings of Jesus to whom all a who says who was teaching the commandments and was following the sabbath? and listen to Paul instead?
Ill tell you why, because the gospel of Paul is easy, just believe. That is the wide path that many are taking
the Gospel of Jesus is not the same and so forgiving and requires obedience and repentance from sin. This if the Only path that leads to eternal life. Jesus as it is written, is the only way to eternal life. In truth, many do not want to change and instead hang on every word of Paul But completely Ignore Jesus teachings as if it was of no importance.
Unless you all who promote Lawlessness and refuse to repent, and refuse change your ways, you will not inherit eternal life.
The Sabbath day is part of the 10 Commandments, this is what many people try very hard with scripture used in the proper context to tell you but you refuse truth, you refuse God.
Ill tell you why, because the gospel of Paul is easy, just believe. That is the wide path that many are taking
the Gospel of Jesus is not the same and so forgiving and requires obedience and repentance from sin. This if the Only path that leads to eternal life. Jesus as it is written, is the only way to eternal life. In truth, many do not want to change and instead hang on every word of Paul But completely Ignore Jesus teachings as if it was of no importance.
Unless you all who promote Lawlessness and refuse to repent, and refuse change your ways, you will not inherit eternal life.
The Sabbath day is part of the 10 Commandments, this is what many people try very hard with scripture used in the proper context to tell you but you refuse truth, you refuse God.
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