You lost me here a bit...I can be thick.

I understand and agree that we make our plans and do not know if they work out as we hoped and planned them.
But we are human.
God makes a plan and knows EXACTLY every detail and EXACTLY how it will go.
This is how He can say, I've told you the end from the beginning.
It's how He can say, and at the blowing of the one angels trumpet, the plan of God will all have happened
exactly as He told the prophets it would.
To the last meticulous detail of the prophets words was the death of Jesus. And even His birth, as with the bizarre verses seeming to contradict each other about where He would come FROM. Three different places, but it DID happen this way when it was all done.
That is not making a plan and knowing it will happen but not exactly
how. That is making a plan and telling exactly how it will come to pass in every minute detail.
This has been so pivotal to my trust in God. It is the only way I am able to trust step by step is to know that He HAS the step by step even if I don't. He didn't just permit it to happen, He told its' every intricate detail beforehand - even down to the spitting in His face. To the names of three towns and places. And a lot more. There was a script there. Nothing was improvised.