Come on . What happened ..You didn't start off believing this Lordship / legalistic philosophy, when did you start to fall into it . I was drawn into it through letting my guard down, watching to many debates on YouTube and started listening to the likes of vodie baucham , , Greg Bahnsen, James White ect .
Every time that I picked up the bible, and tried to make sense of it, the scriptures seemed to contradict each other, and my understanding was that they should harmonize. At the age of 50 I had the thought, that I was smart enough to figure the scriptures out, if I bought a concordance book, and started looking up the Greek meanings of the seemingly contradicting scriptures. My family has been known to have a stubborn gean, and I studied very hard, and attended several different denominational churches, taking notes, and searching them out, for 12 years. I finally gave up, and decided that I would have to be content with not understanding the scriptures, because I was not smart enough to do it.
A certain amount of time elapsed, and I was visiting with my brother-in-law, and discussing the scriptures, when some of the scriptures that were contradicting to me, began to start harmonizing together with other scriptures.
It became obvious to me, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit within me, that if he had revealed these truths to me, when I was in the mindset that I was smart enough to figure it out, I would have taken credit myself, instead of giving God the credit.
It became evident, that before anyone can make sense of the scriptures, they have to deny their own entelect, and rely upon God to reveal.
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