and yet God most certainly does offer grace to everyone
but nowhere do we concede nor does the Bible state, that all accept
just as you believe you are free to believe Calvin's ideology, so people are free to accept or not the gift of God of salvation through Jesus
oh actually do not believe you are free
what a conundrum you folks have
as for false piety, you cannot put yourself in the place of judge of the heart for that is God's domain
perhaps if Calvin had not been so judgmental, taking the place of God, lives might have spared and perhaps God may have softened his hard heart to accept the truth rather than the lie of limited atonement
but nowhere do we concede nor does the Bible state, that all accept
just as you believe you are free to believe Calvin's ideology, so people are free to accept or not the gift of God of salvation through Jesus
oh actually do not believe you are free
what a conundrum you folks have
as for false piety, you cannot put yourself in the place of judge of the heart for that is God's domain
perhaps if Calvin had not been so judgmental, taking the place of God, lives might have spared and perhaps God may have softened his hard heart to accept the truth rather than the lie of limited atonement
Picture this, as TULIP envisions God and creation.
God, before He created anything at all, made Himself a list. Sort of like Santa, of all those whom He would choose to put in His grace. This before anything at all came to exist, mind you.
And conversely, because Calvinism and certain RT Denominations also ascribe to "Double Predestination", which means, God made a list of those whom He would put in His grace, save, from Hell. And also, a list of those whom He would let die in their sins and be condemned to the Hell He first created to receive Satan and his fellow fallen angels.
Then, God created everything in six days.
In order for His pre-creation list of the saved to mean anything, God had to create something to be saved from.
Therefore, the Omnipresent, everywhere at the same time eternally, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth planted a forbidden tree in a garden thought to be paradise. Then He allowed His enemy to slither in in the guise of a serpent, (there is some debate as to whether this was Satan, but that's another thread), and tempt the first innocent humans made in the image and likeness of God to eat of the very tree God planted and then forbid them to eat of.
That's how Sin entered the world! That's why God's grace would eventually come to pass, and that aforementioned List of the "elect", "saved" in His grace, would be of use.
This then makes God not only the creator of sin, because His first law, thou shalt not eat, was broken by Adam so that through Adam God let Sin, that offense which arrives when one breaks God's laws, to enter into this world.
But as we learned in Job and elsewhere in scripture, if that serpent was Satan, Satan can do nothing without God's allowance.
So, TULIP's god is the author of Sin, the creator of damnation. And he predestined not only the fall, but before any of us on this board or in this world right at this moment were born, predetermined whom among us would die and enjoy paradise. And whom among us would be condemned either to outer darkness or the fires of Hell, depending on your Denomination's teachings.
And Calvin, and Piper today, and MacArthur, and Spurgeon, and other Calvinist and RT pastors are all assured that they're on God's saved list. While they minister on TV or in their churches to the choir.
Because, TULIP informs anyone who reads it, that the only people for whom God's word means anything at all, are those whom God forces into His grace against their will, because they have no will of their own and are totally depraved thus unable to respond to anything righteous, which means they are unable to do anything good in this world, (think about that), and then he forced them to have faith in him for the same reason; they're totally depraved and unable to grasp coming into faith. Why? Because TULIP's god first created them to be that way.
And, those TULIP type preachers make a living peddling that idea.
And then we have people on this forum who look down their nose at we who know TULIP is hogwash. Because they are assured they are one of those names written on that aforementioned list as God's elect.
The thing they don't realize is, when they behave as one totally depraved, it might tell the rest of us that unbeknownst to them, they're acting like their name is on that other list.
And remember, there are some who insist they remain Totally (The "T" in the TULIP formula acronym), depraved! Which makes one wonder. What was, per Jesus' teaching of redemption and rebirth of the repentant sinner, changed? Reborn? In that TULIP faithful, that RT congregation member, when they state they remain as TULIP's god made them in the beginning, Totally depraved, after they're made certain they are, by that god's will, now one of his Elect? Worthy of paradise.
The totally depraved enter paradise? When they were made to be in god's grace and made to have faith, but all that making didn't make them to be other than what they were before; Totally depraved?
And they think non-Calvinists, non-RT congregants got it wrong?
That's cute.
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