Yes, it is - twice. It helps to define the context of the verse. However, it does not provide any sense of precise measure of time as to the length of it.
Okay... but did you agree with any part of the rest of my post (which was an effort to explain how we can determine the length intended)??
--Rev7:14 ("
THE GREAT tribulation") connects back with what Jesus said in
--Matt24:21,15 then connects back with
Dan12:11 ("
ofD[singular]), which
context (vv.6-7,1) provides an answer to
"how long?" ('
for a time, times, and an half')
--Dan12:11 and vv.6-7,1 then connects back with
Dan7:25,27, where
v.25 also says "
a time, and times, and the dividing of time" (and parts of vv.20-25[v.11] correspond with Rev13:5-7,1)
--Dan7:25,27 then corresponds with
Rev12:14 "
for a time, times, and half a time" (where the "[re: the woman...] ...
FLY to the wilderness" corresponds to what Jesus had said in
Matt24:21,15[16] "
FLEE into the mountains")
--Rev12:14 then connects back with
Rev12:6 "[re: the woman]...
FLED into the wilderness" and saying "that they should feed her there
1260 days"
... and my view is that, even though Dan12:6-
7,1 (the answer to "how long...?") is worded distinctly from Dan7:
25,27 (
Hebrew vs. Aramaic), I believe they speak of
the exact same time-period... but that 12:6-
7 uses words that will be made abundantly clear to those Jews/Israel who find themselves
in that future time period, and who will have come to faith
during same [that is,
FOLLOWING "our Rapture"],
that this is to whom [i.e "
the WISE [
of Israel]," per context]
that the words in v.4 will most especially apply ("knowledge shall be increased"), who will "understand" (v.10 "the
WISE will understand") the
specificity with which 12:6-
7 phrases the time-period... IOW, it isn't just "
any random time-period [start and finish]" but
very specific (
per the wording here in vv.6-7).
My conclusion: a
very specific set of 1260 days.
[and recall: Rev1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1 says the future aspects of that Book are "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]"... and these other passages are just a PART of that, namely from the 5th Trumpet / 1st Woe unto the earth MID-point... there will then be 1260 days remaining until the END of the trib... and this corresponds with Rev12:12's "because he [Satan] knoweth he hath but
A SHORT TIME"... and if my recollection is accurate,
that phrase (in the bold) used elsewhere never meant "a lengthy period of time"
