Three accounts of the same discourse.
No part of Luke's account is any different from that of Matthew and Mark.
Three accounts of the same discourse.
Okay, let me see if I "get" your viewpoint:
--you do believe Jesus was speaking of something "future" to the time He spoke it (and thus "future" to when the disciples heard Him say it), namely, the events surrounding 70ad;
--you believe Jesus' words saying "[see] the abomination of desolation
STANDING in the holy place" speaks of "[see]
Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that
the desolation thereof is nigh" (70ad events)... and that this speaks to the SAME item that Dan12:
11's "abomination that maketh desolate
SET UP [H5414 - 'give, put, set,... appoint, assign'] [shall be
such-and-such day amounts... which
you believe specifically refers to
the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, and nothing
later than that point in history/future... only that the (then-future) 70ad events will be a kind of repeat of the events surrounding A4E in (approx) 167bc]";
--you believe that Daniel's being told he will "stand in thy lot at the END of the DAYS"
has no real relation to the "days" referred to in that context (Dan12), which "days" (12:6-
7, and other verses) you see
referring solely to the "days" that A4E existed on the earth (approx 167bc)... IOW, that the "DAYS" mentioned in 12:
13 have NO RELATION TO the day-amounts (in the "how long?" question-and-answer)
of vv.6-7;
--you believe that v.12's "
BLESSED is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days" speaks only of the events surrounding 167bc / A4E? (nothing "future" to the time of Jesus' earthly ministry)
--you do believe that
"the beginning of birth PANGS" in all three Olivet Discourse passages speak of
as do I)--
Matt24:4-8 / Mk13:5-8 / Lk21:8-11 = 'the beginning of birth PANGS';
--you believe the idea being expressed
JUST FOLLOWING that ^ , in Luke 21:
12, "But
BEFORE ALL THESE [meaning, "But
just listed in vv.8-11 of Lk21"]... (you believe) that same idea ("But
BEFORE ALL THESE") is expressed in ALL THREE of these Olivet Discourse passages (which I do NOT believe... Instead, I see Matt and Mark starting out of the gate AT "the beginning of birth pangs" and then GOING ON to tell what FOLLOWS ON from THOSE [i.e. which would be MANY MORE "birth PANGS" if THOSE were just "THE BEGINNING OF" them]);
--either you see NO relation to Jesus' phrase "the BEGINNING of birth PANGS [PLURAL]" to Paul's use of the term "birth PANG [SINGULAR; 1Th5:2-3]" regarding the manner in which "the DOTL" will ARRIVE; or else you do see the relation between their both using these terms, but believe they were both speaking of the "near-future" events of 70ad (so that, "the DOTL" time-period ARRIVED back in the events surrounding 70ad, and thus also "the man of sin" / "whose COMING [/ARRIVAL / ADVENT / PRESENCE /
parousia]" 2Th2:9a [at that time, meaning, in the 70ad events])?
--you believe that the
"man of sin" is in no way related to the passage about "the beast that
WAS, and
IS NOT, and
YET SHALL BE [future tense]" in Rev17:8b (at the time Rev was written)?... or that you
do see some relation / connection?
--you see no connection whatsoever (
in a literal sense) between the Daniel 7:20-25[27],11 passage and that of Rev13:5-7[1], but
perhaps only as a type (for the future, from past history)? IOW, the phrase
"Daniel the prophet" refers only to the fact that he was able to record/write down
what God wanted to be written, but that nothing he wrote actually referred to anything "
far-future" to him (basically only the events surrounding A4E / approx 167bc and other "past-history" events, from the perspective of the time of Jesus and His disciples
in the first century)... and that
"seal up... even to the the time of the end" (re: the writings of that "book") just meant, "so that others
can later read about these events as you have recorded them"? "seal up...
even to..." and then "knowledge shall be increased" (v.4) seems to imply that "knowledge" about what is written within this "book" will come to be "understood" at some point (v.10 "the
WISE WILL understand")... what [point in time] are you thinking this referred to?
--well... I had more thoughts, but I've run outta gas (for typing) atm

, and will have to take this up at another time... just trying to understand your take on some of these issues, a little better
Thanks for the discussion. = )