Ahwatukee what about Acts 3:21 that says Jesus must remain in heaven until restitution of all things?
How does that work with the pre-trib model?
Good day Hevosmies and all,
Below is the verse in question:
"Heaven must take Him in until the time comes for the restoration of all things, which God announced long ago through His holy prophets."
I think that you will agree, that we should not strain the scripture making Jesus restricted to the right hand of God and heaven, as though He was a prisoner. Is Jesus not God in the flesh? Is nothing in all creation hidden from him and everything laid bare and open before Him? Is He not the One who searches the hearts and the minds. Did He not say "I will be with you, even to the very end of the age"?
That said, does Jesus return to the air to gather the church and take us all back to the Father's house violate Acts 3:31?
I believe that the verse is saying that Jesus will not come back until the earth is restored for His millennial kingdom, which will be a time of unprecedented peace.
I was reading through the book of revelation today and even during the FIRST trumpet ALL green grass was burnt up. If the church is present, WHAT are they going to eat?
First, I believe that it is literal grass/flowers that are burned up, which I don't think people eat

, but even worse is that a third of the earth is going to be burned up and a third of the trees.
In Revelation, there are only two of the plagues which mention the percentage of fatalities, that being the results of seals 1 thru 4 and the 6th trumpet, a fourth and a third, respectively, which would be over half the earths population in the first 3 1/2 years. What we don't know, are the percentages of trumpets 1, 2 and 3. That said, if a third of the earth and trees are being burned up, there is going to be an awful lot of fatalities, for you cannot burn up a third of the earth and trees with it affecting the inhabitants.
Then there is the second trumpet, when that object comes through earths atmosphere, described as "something like a huge mountain on fire or all ablaze," which I believe is an asteroid coming through the earths atmosphere which is why John sees it on fire. The results being all of the creatures in that body of water killed equaling a third over all the earth. And all of the ships in that body of water equaling a third over all the earth. That would be pleasure crafts, military ships, submarines and everything in between.
The reason for the creatures being killed and the ships being destroyed will be because of the giant Tsunami's that will be created as a result of that object hitting into one of the oceans. That said, how many people on those ships? In addition, those waves are not going to just destroy the ships out in deep water, the ones docked and everything in between, but are also going to destroy every city, village and town on every shore 360 degrees a hundred miles in land or more depending on the objects size and speed. How many people in those cities, villages and towns?
Regarding the third trumpet, a third of the rivers and fresh water are contaminated so that many people die from drinking the waters. How many people is "many?"
This is why I tell those who say that God is going to protect His church while all this is going on and gather us when He returns to the earth to end the age, that they need to do an in depth study of the severity of the seals, trumpets and bowl judgment, because the Lord is going to keep His promise to remove us from the earth before all those plagues take place, opposed to protecting us in the midst of them.