37+ years wow!
Cool, what is 1290 and 1335?
That is the whole point basically we get thousands of guesses and no one seemed to know. One day while I was kicking myself for the thousandth time about not being able to explain Daniel 11 in detail, I decided to tackle this chapter once and for all and to do an Exegesis on it and name every king and every player in ever verse and what it all meant, and in so doing I understood that I also had to do Daniel 12 as they were one vision (Daniel 10 also in reality).
So, once I did the hard part in Dan. 11 I was rewarded by God with the key (imho) to understanding all end time prophecy via the timelines. In Dan. 12:1-2 we see the end time resurrection of the Jews has come, then the Man in Linen (Jesus preincarnate) told Daniel to shut up the book until the time of he end when knowledge would be increased and people rant to and fro (NOW...of course).
In verse 6 the Angel (probably Gabriel, maybe be Michael, both were there imo) asked Jesus
HOW LONG WILL IT BE UNTIL THE END OF THESE WONDERS (The Dan. 11:36-45 Anti-Christ/Little Horn) and Jesus answers with the "Time, time and half[time] answer, from the time the holy peoples or Israel are conquered until all of these wonders (Dan. 11:36-45) ends will be 1260 days. So, basically he is saying the Anti-Christ will rule over Israel for 1260 days, but what no one knew back then, which we do today, is what ends it, the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ ends all of those wonders, and Dan. 11:45 says so, it says he comes to his end !!
Now, here is where everyone goes off the rails (I know why now, we perceive an event to be someone it is not). So, Daniel still doesn't understand, and wont (LOL) so he asks the exact same question the Angel asked in verse 8,
O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? Then Jesus says go your way, these things are sealed until the end, but he gives him to more clues via his "QUESTION" !!
Dan. 11:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;
but the wise shall understand. 11 And
from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the
thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
We have people that turn these into years, that say these 45 extra days and 75 extra days extend into Jesus' 1000 year reign, you name it, I have heard it brother. But as I was pondering, God blessed me with understanding and wisdom, I saw that which I had never seen before, why would the 1260 be ENDED by the 2nd Coming but not the other two numbers? The question was the exact same question!
So, instead of accepting something, I always try it out first, no fit, no part of God. Could these other two numbers come before the 1260 event, was the 1335 merely 1335 days before the 2nd coming ended all of these wonders, the 1290 merely 1290 days before the 2nd coming ended all of these wonders and the 1260 likewise 1260 days before the 2nd coming ended it all for the Beast and wicked mankind as rulers on this earth? I didn't like my first thought, that would mean the Anti-Christ could have no part in the 1290 because the 1260 would be 30 days later, Oh well, I thought, it looked promising. But God has trained me in the last 5 years to not just trust old understandings in full and to press on, so I did. If something fits in 99 pieces of a 100 piece puzzle, that last piece will fit somewhere.
So, could the Anti-Christ not be the one who takes away the "Sacrifice" and places the AoD in the temple, did that make any sense? This is why God blessed me because of my Exegesis, I had discovered a man named Jason (real name Yeshua) who bribed Antiochus Epiphanes to become the High Priest of Israel, thereby having his own brother, a pious High Priest named Onias III killed. He then welcomed Antiochus into the temple to sacrifice a pig unto Zeus on the Altar of God !! Jason then tried to Hellenize the Jews, leading unto the infamous Maccabean Revolt. There it was, we clearly had our TYPE Anti-Christ and our TYPE False Prophet living at the same time almost 2200 years ago, thus the end time False Prophet was going to be a Jewish High Priest !! So, now I had a framework. The 1290 had to be a Jewish High Priest gone rogue and the Anti-Christ must get him to do these things just before he goes forth conquering, if this was correct.
As I looked back to Dan. 9:27 I saw it says "HE CAUSES" the sacrifice and oblation to cease !! Then as I thought about Rev. 13 I remembered it says the 2nd Beast gets mankind to build an IMAGE of the first Beast and demands they all worship him, so that also fit, the FP places the AoD. I was now convinced the Anti-Christ only comes to power 30 days after the 1290, and this also solved another thorny issue I had always been bothered by. I often wondered why God would allow the Anti-Christ to conquer the Jews BEFORE He gave them the sign to flee Judea, that just never made no sense to me, but now the AoD being the False Prophet meant the Jews had 30 days to flee unto the Mountains before the AC was allowed to go forth conquering, everything was coming together !! But hold up, if they FLEE Judea that means Israel has to Repent before the Day of the Lord, did that fit? YES.
Now I understood (took many days) what the 1335 BLESSING was, its the Two-witnesses showing up 1335 days before the 2nd Coming ends all of these wonders. That is truly a blessing unto Israel and it fits scriptures. Malachi 4:5-6 says Elijah will be sent back BEFORE the coming DOTL. In Zechariah 13:8-9 we see that 2/3 of the Jews refuse to repent and will perish, but 1/3 will repent and God will bring them through the fire, try them, then call them His people and they call God their God again. Then in the very next verse in Zechariah 14:1 it says the Day of the Lord has arrived, Israel gets conquered. But the cherry on top was when I said, I KNOW HOW TO TEST THIS...........BOOM.......If the Two-witnesses show up 75 days before the Anti-Christ becomes the Beast by Conquering Israel they must also DIE 75 days before he dies because God has given them both 1260 day Ordained Offices on this earth. I didn't even have to turn the book to Rev. 11 and 16, I knew instantly, the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe and the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial, I got chills !! Its all true In thought to myself.
But what does
he TAKES AWAY the Sacrifice really mean with all of this added info? You see it yet? If the Jews repent at the 1335 (3-5 million Jews) and start worshiping Jesus in the temple of God for the next 45 days until the 1290 event, it is thus Jesus Worship this old Jewish High Priest forbids in the temple, then out of spite he places an Image of the E.U. President in the temple. The Covenant is simply an Agreement, Israel becomes part of the E.U. why else would they give up their Nukes? And no one is conquering them until they give up their nukes. God forbids this action in the holy bible. That is the last straw that brings God's Wrath/Judgment. Thinking back now, it blows my mind that I ever, ever thought Jesus and Gabriel (LOL) were ever discussing a FILTHY MEAT SACRIFICE and saying that taking that away would defile the temple, the Meat Sacrifice would be a slap in the face to Jesus, it would be an abomination in and of itself, the Sacrifice that this False Prophet TAKES AWAY is Jesus Worship.
Now all the timelines become clear.