I have given scripture only as it is written, stating personally I have no problem with a woman speaking nor singing in the church. And just as you, I do have a problem with a woman being a pastor. That is the main issue here. Not every scripture do I have to support 100% for it still to be supportive of the main point. It is clearly written that a woman is not to be a preacher. That is the main point of the thread and I am in agreement 100% with what the Bible says in that regard. I do not have any dislike for women in general. Only those who wish to skirt the truth in favor of their own desires.
since I already stated I don't agree with women pastors, why bring it up ?
however I have possibly a bigger problem with men that God never called to any office whatsoever
and they are by far in the majority
I don't think you are in the position to say which people have which desires for whatever
but God knows
the op is not about wondering if women should be pastors or not
the op is actually about wondering about women preaching
men preach all the time without being the pastor of the church
see where I am going with that?