There is no rebellion against my Heavenly Father in this matter. You are mistaken brother. When I had rebelled against the Lord, it was a lesson that brought me to my knees. I still did not heed His call to fulfill the work He began in He faceplanted me. If you don't know what that means He allowed me to lose nearly everything in my life...including the ability to walk...until I opened my ears to hear and submitted to His will. Part of which I already mentioned in this thread. He has performed miracles in my life...including restoring my ability to walk. Do you honestly think I would ever step outside of my calling to do His will to testify, teach, and preach?
No way! I serve an Almighty God that I'm willing to lay my life down for...thats not a rebellion...thats love and commitment. He warned that there will be man that will mock and shun me. As Christians, if we speak out and tell others, even our brothers and sisters...we are mocked. That is the burden of the cross that He carried and we must die for Him daily if we truly love Him.