Then read my posts again, and the many scriptures that are within and in KJV. If I didnt post the verse reference it can be asked of me, or looked up easily HERE
Therefore edit out your opening statement., as an apology.
But Yes I agree in your church system, there is male and female and the men suppress the women, and tell them to be quiet, and don;t prophesy etc etc etc.
But such is not the case with the Lord and His women and His men.
Just push your edit button, its easy
Therefore edit out your opening statement., as an apology.
But Yes I agree in your church system, there is male and female and the men suppress the women, and tell them to be quiet, and don;t prophesy etc etc etc.
But such is not the case with the Lord and His women and His men.
Just push your edit button, its easy
READ the book then make your comment. UNDERSTAND why God had Paul write what he did.
Women were told to be quiet in church 2000 years ago because CONTEXT syas that they wer talking while MEN were teaching which caused confusion. So God siad.....BE quiet and listen and learn.
Second......2000 years ago, women were not educated. There were NO women in the Jewish ruling Sanhedrin. A good mule was more thought of than a women.
That of course has changed. Women are now educated, smart and well thought of as an equal to men. However......that does not then mean that we remove the Scriptures from the Bible which GOD SAID that it is a MAN who is to pastor His church.
Women today are music ministers in church, teachers in church, hold offices in church and do everything a man does EXCEPT be the Pastor because GOD SAID...."If A MAN desires to be a Pastor HE desires a good work".
Now, we can banter back and forth and use every philosophic argument known to man, but what God said is what GOD SAID.
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