The Pentecostal - AOG- does not follow the Bible directions of 1 Timothy, but the Southern Baptist Convention does!
Just so you will not argue that point...............
"Southern Baptists yesterday voted to effectively ban female pastors, part of a broader shift toward codifying a more fundamentalist philosophy for the nation's largest and most visible Protestant denomination.
At their annual convention in Orlando, leaders of the 15.8 million-member denomination voted overwhelmingly to revise the Baptist Faith and Message Statement--the closest thing the faith has to an official creed--to oppose homosexuality, adultery, pornography, abortion and "all manner of deviant and pagan sexuality," as well as limit the office of pastor to men."
Southern Baptists Vote To Ban Female Pastors - The Washington Post
Not sure why this is news! The SBC has not ordained women ever! There was a time when it was opening up, but the Conservative Takeover stopped any ideas about that. The Baptist Faith and Message of 2000 makes it clear that no women are allowed in this old boy's club!
I attended an SBC seminary, and wrote about this issue 15 years ago! It was a done deal, and women MDiv student were not allowed to preach on Seminary Day, but the men were. I started to look into the issue, and found many books, even from evangelicals and Baptists who were in favour of ordaining women. For my part, there is no Scripture anywhere in the Bible that says a woman can't be a leader, and there are many examples of women in leadership, although the misogynists in this group try to rationalize every example.
So, no news from that article. This has been the practice of the SBC as long as it has been a condemnation.
Of course, there was Lottie Moon, who went to China as a called missionary of God and a single woman. She was limited to speaking to women and children, although the men who were hungry for God would sit on the outside of the building and listen to her preach the gospel. One man got saved through her ministry, became an evangelist and led 10,000 people (men?) to the Lord.
Then Lottie, in a trip back to the US, was speaking to women's groups and getting donations to help their mission in China, and she raised a substantial sum of money. The next year, women's groups did the same offering, but it was so lucrative (and still is!) that the SBC took it over, and it is a main source of money for the IMB (International Mission Board!).
But some of you legalistic types, had you been alive in the late 1800 century, probably would have stopped Lottie going to China as a missionary, and not allowed her to collect money. Oh right! They tried that in her, but she obeyed God rather than men! Of course, today the Lottie Moon fund is in all the churches, and even men can contribute.
A lot of you are going to feel dumb when Jesus returns on Judgment Day, and Jesus asks you why you hindered the ministries of women that he had called, and interfered with his mission to spread the gospel, and followed the devil and performed his works!