again, a lack of KNOWLEDGE. the woman is a "HELPER", not the one who do it all, she helps her husband in what he's doing.
see, the world have corrupted the basic understanding of the role of a "WIFE" as in a marriage. she is to help her husband, cook, clean, and baby sit also. yes, it is the man's responsibilities to TAKE of his home, as well as his WIFE who ... "HELP" him in his, his, his, duties. for the HUSBANJD which is the "HEAD", simply means the "FIRST" to SERVE. and the wife is to "HELP" her husband.
scripture, Genesis 2:18 "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
HELP MEET: H5828 עֵזֶר `ezer (ay'-zer) n-m.
[from H5826]
KJV: help.
Root(s): H5826
an aid is to assist, not do it for them, but to assist, or help in whatever their husbands are doing. men are to wash, cook, and clean, also. and the wife just don't sit at home either ... helper... aide?, ....... assist. the only thing that a man cannot do is Give birth. ...physically ... speaking... and not spiritually, speaking. (smile).
see, the world have corrupted the basic understanding of the role of a "WIFE" as in a marriage. she is to help her husband, cook, clean, and baby sit also. yes, it is the man's responsibilities to TAKE of his home, as well as his WIFE who ... "HELP" him in his, his, his, duties. for the HUSBANJD which is the "HEAD", simply means the "FIRST" to SERVE. and the wife is to "HELP" her husband.
scripture, Genesis 2:18 "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
HELP MEET: H5828 עֵזֶר `ezer (ay'-zer) n-m.
[from H5826]
KJV: help.
Root(s): H5826
an aid is to assist, not do it for them, but to assist, or help in whatever their husbands are doing. men are to wash, cook, and clean, also. and the wife just don't sit at home either ... helper... aide?, ....... assist. the only thing that a man cannot do is Give birth. ...physically ... speaking... and not spiritually, speaking. (smile).
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