Scripture says that Abel obtained righteousness because of his deeds/works done in faith. Paul didn’t say Abel was righteous because of God’s righteousness. It says that he was righteous because of his works…
again; a simple child like story in the bible…probably most, if not all, could understand this when they were 5 years old, but somehow cannot today……
Abel was indeed able,
…..……be blessed
The problem I see in the original statement said months ago is that, "God fills in for us." This is
only half the reality Spiritually. He actually employs our will to act according to His will and thus we are co-workers in Christ. But the premise to our lives
is indeed first wrapped in Christ as our life. Thus, it is our "operational-procedures-relationally" that speaks of righteousness (after regeneration).
From the
Spirit of God (via the Holy Spirit),
to the spirit of man now enlivened again in us thru Christ and the Cross, to
our soul which is where the spirit now employs our will in heart, mind, and action, to
the body who we need to put under guard and employ it to do God's will according to aligning our will to His. That then means we are righteous. We are first seated (in Christ), not yet walking in the world, in heaven, and we are asked to be His Ambassadors and light to the world so as to invest in Eternal life for
all people on earth; this is then walking after Spirit to body relationally works itself out in Christ..
In the area of rebuke and correction of the Word, we must guard our hearts not to bury that option; in other words, we must give God elbow room to work as He pleases). Its not about lifting men up, it is about lifting Jesus up in order for Him to lift men to Himself; this is the greater love, rather than appeasing man.. And yet as such, He asks us to
respect and be gentle in our demeanor even to our enemies to reflect His own demeanor as His Children. Yet, we must never ignore God's purposes regardless of the cost if He asks us to be loyal to the Word in His timing..humbly listening to God as He asks us to serve Him is an immediate needed response; otherwise He cannot use us in many ways, for He cannot trust us..
Gods reality and truths are in the the Word, and we must be loyal to all of it. We must not dam that reservoir. We will become righteous as the
relationship of righteousness proceeds not in our perfection yet but in onward and upwardness without sinful interruptions, but even as God finishes His workmanship in us God offers mercy in forgiving our confessed sins nonetheless. But that is not the highlight reel, it is the
exception to the steadfastness of Christ in us; and
never the acceptable premise of maturing in Him..Righteousness never grieves the Spirit of God; we forget sometimes that it is not only that we are in Christ, burt thats Christ is also in us, thus when we sin, we also grieve the Spirit of God. Ouch! Righteous on my friends, righteousness on ...