I've shown many times:
--Revelation 5:9 has the "24 elders" (who are wearing "crowns/stephanous" of gold and sitting on "24 THRONES") are up in Heaven [BEFORE the opening of the FIRST SEAL (i.e. BP #1), when Jesus will "STAND to JUDGE"]), who are saying, "because thou wast slain, and didst redeem us to God in thy blood, out of [ek] every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation" (and I'd provided 1Cor6:3[14] and many other passages). Matthew 24:29-31 is not speaking of US/'the Church WHICHIS HIS BODY' being gathered (which will have taken place BEFORE anything in Matt24 even commences to unfold upon the earth... but I don't want to repeat all those lengthy posts here in this post that I'm trying to keep short.
--Revelation 5:9 has the "24 elders" (who are wearing "crowns/stephanous" of gold and sitting on "24 THRONES") are up in Heaven [BEFORE the opening of the FIRST SEAL (i.e. BP #1), when Jesus will "STAND to JUDGE"]), who are saying, "because thou wast slain, and didst redeem us to God in thy blood, out of [ek] every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation" (and I'd provided 1Cor6:3[14] and many other passages). Matthew 24:29-31 is not speaking of US/'the Church WHICHIS HIS BODY' being gathered (which will have taken place BEFORE anything in Matt24 even commences to unfold upon the earth... but I don't want to repeat all those lengthy posts here in this post that I'm trying to keep short.