I come in peace...

I am so thankful for His love, mercy, calling, truth, direction, strength, patience, shielding, power, healing, and comfort and so much more, but most of all, for Him
Doesn't it come down to our heart condition, that He wants us to obey Him, but with no other reason than because we trust and love Him, because we Honor Him and His Glory, not because we will be punished?
And we are able to, because of Him. He suffered and died because we can't do it on our own.
Should we fear Him, well I have no doubt that He can do whatever He wants to me, keep me or squash me.
He and His wrath instinctually gives me the deer in the headlights expression deep within my belly. And as Jeremiah said about Him putting fear in our hearts so that He won't lose us, makes sense to me, that He did it to help us seek Him.
If we are His, we will seek Him, and in Him we can rest. If not, we won't. I am so thankful for His wooing.
Probably too simple, but reasonable to me. It seems to bring harmony to the scriptures and for me that is VERY IMPORTANT!!
I believe He wants our love, our hearts and that is only possible because He loved us first.
I believe my Salvation is 100% in His hands, that the final say is up to Him. I, therefore, put my faith in His promises to keep me in His hands. That being said, the words are shallow and empty if I don't seek to come into agreement with Him in all areas of my life.
Thank You Lord for Your sanctification, for Your help when it comes to overcoming and enduring, even when it hurts like....
We are each responsible on this earth, right now, for how we react and act. No one here knows the hearts of others. We often misjudge our own. For me, that is why we must examine ourselves.
As a matter of fact, in chking myself right now, I see me teetering off this soap box, loosing my balance, lol. I also see that I have work. that instead of procrastinating, I should be preparing, lol. Will I now go to lake of fire...no. However, I might just lose a client if I don't get ta getting.
God Bless you all Brothers and Sisters. In Him, we are One. Thank You Lord.