I am sorry sis, but I can not understand what your trying to say here.
People are saved WHEN they are baptised by God.
They are given gifts after the HS comes into (anoint) them, and gives them power
In the begining God used many gifts, Including speaking to people in their own language, prophesying, and many other things,
You can see in acts how the larger the church grew, things started to slow down. Because certain things were really no longer needed. If you read the new testament, You can see the same thing,
God works how he deems fit, and he works however he will. In my church, we thrive, and many people come to Christ, we have a HUGE college ministry, were people who have been contaminated with the world values in the schools, and are addicted to drugs and alcohol and sexual sin, come to Christ in droves, Many of those kids have through the years become leaders in our church, having witnessed first hand the power of god.
And not one time the gifts of tongues or prophesy been required or used, Because God did nto need those gifts.