it says they did this "in the course of time"
though they were not under the law, the law informs us about precepts. sin offerings in the law were not made at appointed times except Yom Kippur, as far as i can recall? ((do point out to me exceptions if you know of any)). they were made with the confession of the sin - as at Yom Kippur the high priest lays the sin of the people on one of the goats. if they are replicating God making the garments for their parents, that too, was done at the time of their confession and judgement. i don't see any sense in Genesis 3 that God needed to keep making garments for them.
if they are commemorating the giving of the garments to Adam & Woman/Eve, then what they are doing isn't atoning for their own sin. it is more like Passover, a remembrance. it is significant that Abel sheds blood and Cain does not, but it is also significant that Abel brings firstfruits and Cain does not - Passover is in the midst of firstfruits and Yom Kippur is not, and individual offerings for transgression are when the sin is committed and confessed, not "in the course of time" ((taking that to imply a specified time)). if they are observing a remembrance, then the reason blood is involved is because blood was present in the first event, not because they are doing this to seek forgiveness for their own individual sin. God doesn't instruct Cain to make a sacrifice to atone for his own sin - but in the law, there is no sacrifice for murder. God covers him with a mark when he pleads for mercy - and the only blood spilled is Abel's.
you have cited 'the standard answers' but what explains all these things?
though they were not under the law, the law informs us about precepts. sin offerings in the law were not made at appointed times except Yom Kippur, as far as i can recall? ((do point out to me exceptions if you know of any)). they were made with the confession of the sin - as at Yom Kippur the high priest lays the sin of the people on one of the goats. if they are replicating God making the garments for their parents, that too, was done at the time of their confession and judgement. i don't see any sense in Genesis 3 that God needed to keep making garments for them.
if they are commemorating the giving of the garments to Adam & Woman/Eve, then what they are doing isn't atoning for their own sin. it is more like Passover, a remembrance. it is significant that Abel sheds blood and Cain does not, but it is also significant that Abel brings firstfruits and Cain does not - Passover is in the midst of firstfruits and Yom Kippur is not, and individual offerings for transgression are when the sin is committed and confessed, not "in the course of time" ((taking that to imply a specified time)). if they are observing a remembrance, then the reason blood is involved is because blood was present in the first event, not because they are doing this to seek forgiveness for their own individual sin. God doesn't instruct Cain to make a sacrifice to atone for his own sin - but in the law, there is no sacrifice for murder. God covers him with a mark when he pleads for mercy - and the only blood spilled is Abel's.
you have cited 'the standard answers' but what explains all these things?
It could of been he corrupted flesh of another kind, as a sign. The glory had departed .Previously having a glow that came from being in the presence of God naked and not ashamed .Like that of Moses when he came down having experienced the presence of God using Mount Sinai to represent the kingdom of God. Clothing the dead with corrupted flesh. Revealing the wrath of God from heaven
Genesis3: 21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
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