i mostly find it interesting that an adamant proponent of the idea that the NIV is authored by Satan and the KJV is more perfect than the Greek, would when putting what he understands about the scripture into his own word, repeat the phrasing of the NIV. he & i have both been members here for years, and yes i am guilty here of poking at him over it, tho i am not guilty of slander and i hope not guilty of coming to the discussion with maliciously bitter intent.
that not all are saved is beyond question; there is no need to pursue argument about it.
that God is not willing for any to perish but that all come to knowledge of the truth, there is likewise no question or need for argument.
that not all are saved is beyond question; there is no need to pursue argument about it.
that God is not willing for any to perish but that all come to knowledge of the truth, there is likewise no question or need for argument.
The second statement, though, seems to be challenged by a view that God elects to salvation in the manner that reformed doctrine would have it which is why I pressed it. If there is nothing stopping God's mercy except His own will and He would have all come to knowledge of the truth, then it seems the conclusion would need to be universalism.
It is only if there is some factor outside of God and in the recipient that causes the rejection. What did Paul say to the Jews in Acts when they had rejected the message? Not that God had not elected them but "you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life. " (Acts 13:46 NIV)
This implies the Jews themselves chose not to receive grace, though it was genuinely being offered to them.
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