Is it possible for a Christian (you!)

to live the rest of your life without committing a single act of sin?
To make the discussion more clear - let's keep the "single act of sin" to mean a sin that you commit knowing that it was sin. So we are not talking about sins that you may commit that you are unaware of. Nor are we talking about mere attitudes such as pride or selfishness - these are wrong, yes, -- but for this discussion keep "a single act of sin" to mean an actual wrong act or deed that you do:
Examples: murder, swearing, gluttony, lying
Or, not witnessing to a person when the Holy Spirit prompts you to
Or, buying an extra fishing rod you don't need or won't use (and you clearly know the Spirit says - "don't buy it!)
Or, refusing to talk to Mr. "Snooty" at a party because you don't like his attitude