I do not believe that God has Christians as "deprived stepchildren"
Firstly why are step children deprived?
Secondly, I know I am a beloved adopted child of God.
I have no problems with analogy or figurative language.
What my issue is false promises people make by twisting the Bible.
Jesus suffered on the cross and died for our sins.
How much are you willing to suffer for God's kingdom?
Or are you a plant with shallow roots who will reject God if any hardship is placed on your life?
Does God want us to suffer?
So why then do we suffer?
Because of the sins of evil humanity.
If God told you that you would have to suffer to further his Kingdom, would you take up your cross and keep walking with Him?
Or would you take the wide road and say "Nah God wants me to have an easy life and enjoy the riches of this world. "
Yet what are true riches?
Money and material possessions?
Physical health?
Or it it compassion, loving kindness and wisdom to love even our enemies and those who make us suffer?
Your heart is where your treasure is....is it here on Earth with the material things or in Heaven with God and the people and things He values?
The heart of God is illustrated in the earthly father/family.
So,you think a good father wants his children broke,sick,and suffering.
They,the children may,through ignorance or improper training/philosophy get those curses in life,but a good parent wants them to succeed.
Paul said " i have learned to abound as well as prosper."
To him we have seasons of both,not a persuit of poverty.
If you are correct,never thank him for provision,healing,or smooth sailing.
Instead pray for poverty,sickness,and attackers.
Since thats supposedly Gods will,never pray for healing or relief in the storms of life.
Iow God to some,has one legged step children that deserve a heavy hand so we will glorify a heavy handed cruel God.