Can't take any kind of chastening or correction, they are right at all cost.
People who believe they are right, use words like chastening or correction.
It truth there is only a concept and its foundations. There is a basis of authority and assumptions that
support such a concept. There is nothing else, this defines everything in life and our experience.
So if you wish to discuss a point you need to address these points. When people show no desire to
address valid points or interpretations and claim this is pure bias, and scream this is the spiritual
enemy, there you have someone missing the point 100%.
Like a request to declare what they believe. I have listed my beliefs openly but EG is reluctant to
declare His faith. Is he ashamed of Christ His Lord and what he stands for? Or maybe his friends will
suddenly find he is not a friend at all, but just another believer along for the ride.