You choose to ignore the verses of Scripture, wherein the language of Predestination and Election are clearly taught. Anyone who is truly seeking to understand God's Word cannot ignore any Scripture but must harmonize all of God's Word in order to come to the Truth.
You that argue that "all" must mean "all", in every case, are either not interested in harmonizing anything or are choosing to be willfully ignorant. Any good student of Scripture, knows that "all" must be either accepted as "all", if the context supports it or must be limited, if the context supports that.
How can the word "all" always mean "all" in the light of those verses which clearly teach God having chosen? God having Predestinated some? God using Election to obtain what those who were seeking, did not find?
I choose to not ignore these facts, if you do, then that's between you and God but this is no reason to belittle others. As a Christian, life has taught me, that when people resort to belittling another, it is because the facts no longer support their position.