Looking for Job
Job 10:15
- Think of Job’s feelings: dishonor and affliction!
- He can’t feel worse!
- He has lost his roots!
- He is imploring God to answer him!
- In any case the situation is “too bad for me”!
- Do you really perceive Job’s dishonor and affliction?
- Do you see him in front of your eyes?
- Now think of everything the devil does against him!
- He doesn't stop, he's merciless!
- And those who obey the devil do the same!
- Not just one to catch up with the other!
- And finally Job still finds a way to save them from death!
- I don't think they will understand the lesson!
- It’s not in human genes!
Job 10:15
- Think of Job’s feelings: dishonor and affliction!
- He can’t feel worse!
- He has lost his roots!
- He is imploring God to answer him!
- In any case the situation is “too bad for me”!
- Do you really perceive Job’s dishonor and affliction?
- Do you see him in front of your eyes?
- Now think of everything the devil does against him!
- He doesn't stop, he's merciless!
- And those who obey the devil do the same!
- Not just one to catch up with the other!
- And finally Job still finds a way to save them from death!
- I don't think they will understand the lesson!
- It’s not in human genes!