Looking for Job
Job 30:25-31
- In Job’s words there is only despair!
- He has no hope!
- He is waiting for nothing except pain and suffering!
- The only thing left to him is complaining!
- And crying for help!
- And the individuals are apparently deaf!
- They could do something instead of barking!
- They could wash him!
- They could put something on his wounds!
- They could give him something to keep him warm!
- They could bring him food!
- They could show they are here to help him!
- But no they do nothing, just barking!
- Do you remember the good Samaritan?
- What did he do?
- And what did the others do?
- Sometimes people commit suicide because they can’t do it!
- It’s too much for them!
- The limits are different for each of us!
- We can’t judge people when they commit suicide!
- But we can help people before they commit suicide!
- Any action can help!
- It can be the presence!
- It can be the words!
- It can be doing things together!
- But above all, showing that we care for someone by doing something!
Job 30:25-31
- In Job’s words there is only despair!
- He has no hope!
- He is waiting for nothing except pain and suffering!
- The only thing left to him is complaining!
- And crying for help!
- And the individuals are apparently deaf!
- They could do something instead of barking!
- They could wash him!
- They could put something on his wounds!
- They could give him something to keep him warm!
- They could bring him food!
- They could show they are here to help him!
- But no they do nothing, just barking!
- Do you remember the good Samaritan?
- What did he do?
- And what did the others do?
- Sometimes people commit suicide because they can’t do it!
- It’s too much for them!
- The limits are different for each of us!
- We can’t judge people when they commit suicide!
- But we can help people before they commit suicide!
- Any action can help!
- It can be the presence!
- It can be the words!
- It can be doing things together!
- But above all, showing that we care for someone by doing something!