Please answer each.
1.Can a Jew be quickened by the Spirit even if they reject Jesus as Messiah?
2.Are unbelieving Jews saved?
3. Are Jews who are quickened by the spirit, but who still rejects Jesus, saved?
I’ll try to answer your questions with the testimony of Rabbi Isadore Zwern. It’s been 25 years since I read his book so the quotes may not be exact, but it impressed me so and I’ve taught it so many times that I remember it fairly well.
Back in the early 50s Rabbi Zwern was asked by the other West Coast rabbis to head the Zionist movement for the Western states. Rabbi Zwern accepted and told the other rabbis that of course he would have to study the messianic scriptures.
Other rabbis: “oh no, we don’t study those scriptures they are too dangerous.”
Rabbi Zwern: “But how can I be the head of a Zionist movement if I don’t understand the messianic scriptures? Isn’t there a Jewish university somewhere that teaches on the messianic scriptures? Maybe in Israel, Tel Aviv or Jerusalem?”
Other rabbis: “Oh no, they are must much too dangerous we never study them.”
Rabbi Zwern: “Well, I will have to study the messianic scriptures on my own; I would feel unqualified to be the head of the Zionist movement if I didn’t.”
So Rabbi Zwern went home and began studying the messianic scriptures. He continued to doing so for over two years and then one Sabbath he stood before the congregation and said, “folks, I have news for you, Yeshua is Messiah!” Then he
began to expound from Torah and the writings that Yeshua was not only in their future, but that He was the fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrificial lamb.
Rabbi Zwern did this for two sabbaths in a row, but on the third, the police met them at the door.
Police: “We don’t understand it rabbi, but if you cross that threshold we are going to have to take you off to jail.”
Rabbi Zwern: ”What are you talking about? This is my synagogue, I built it.”
Police: “All we know is we have our orders; you try to go into that synagogue and you’re going to jail.”
So Rabbi Zwern went home, but all dressed up in his rabbinical robes, on Sunday he sat in the back row of the local evangelical church. after the service was over brethren gathered around him:
People: “Are you saved?”
Rabbi Zwern: “Yeshua is Messiah.”
People: “Do you know the four spiritual laws?”
Rabbi Zwern: “Yeshua is Messiah.”
People: “Have you said the sinner’s prayer?”
Rabbi Zwern: “Yeshua is Messiah.”
People: “You’re not saved.”
So Rabbi Zwern left that church and the following Sunday went to another one, where basically the same thing happened to him. The result of all this being, Rabbi Zwern built the first messianic synagogue in Burbank California. I talked to that beloved brother about 20 years ago when he told me, “I have been dedicated to G-d since childhood. I was raised to be a rabbi and have been aware of the presence of the Kodesh Ruach (the Holy Spirit) all my life.
So was Rabbi Zwern worshiping the Asherah or Marduk? Of course not, he worships the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob just like we do, so I would not dare suggest that Rabbi Zwern or the many thousands of Jews like him were lost, because I know the Kodesh Ruach does not dwell in the hearts of those who do not belong to G-d.
Brother, I hope that answers your questions adequately. I don’t know if his book, “The Rabbi From Burbank,” is still in print, but it is well worth the read.