I just stumbled in here looking for the topic but something struck me and I'd like some clarification if you would
What do you mean one thing cannot mean two distinct opposing things?
You mean tongues being prophecy to a believer and a sign to a non-believer? because I see opposing messages to them that believe not and them that do all over the NT. Like the pharisees interaction with Jesus or End times events and what the people in the world make of them etc.
Or is this argument predicated on whether or not tongues is prophetic? Sorry for jumping in randomly...it just seems somewhat out of place but I am also not very well versed in the topic.
I've heard "tongues" all my life growing up in Pentecostal churches but it has always confused me. It feels like the Lord but I'm not sure.
I've heard some people say it's other languages as per the initial outpouring and Peter's message but also private prayer language as well as prophetic words of encouragement and edification. So I get somewhat confused and have moved away from charismatic understandings, because it's hard to tell. I used to do it myself around 16-18 and then just stopped when I went to college. I didn't hear a whiff of it at the "christian" university I went to. Plenty of other things that I do appreciate but not tongues...so my personal experience and what the word says...I'm open to it, just that there seems to be a false version. I'm just not sure how he feels about it.
I'm on the fence about what prophecy is in general in the modern world. I've had things spoken over me...but thinking back I still don't get stuff like that, regardless of whether or not it seems to come true. Same thing with dreams. There are different sources of these things and so I treat some people with skepticism and some with due consideration.
Not sure, I just feel like mostly tongues is other languages, word of edification, and private prayer. Whereas prophecy is something different. Is it possible they could intersect at times in some people's minds? I suppose.