I think they cease to exist.
If H. 'is not,' then she never was. I mistook a cloud of atoms for a person. There aren't, and never were, any people. Death only reveals the vacuity that was always there. What we call the living are simply those who have not yet been unmasked. All equally bankrupt, but some not yet declared.
But this must be nonsense; vacuity revealed to whom? Bankruptcy declared to whom? To other boxes of fireworks or clouds of atoms. I will never believe — more strictly I can't believe — that one set of physical events could be, or make, a mistake about other sets.
- C.S. Lewis, from A Grief Observed
C.S. Lewis thinks that if they cease to exist, they never existed in the first place. they were just a temporary arrangement of dust that had the illusion of existence; a mirage that deceived you for a short time into thinking they were something, when in reality they were nothing, always nothing, waiting to be revealed as nothing by the passage of time.so he believes they either exist forever or they never existed at all; you believed a lie when you thought they were real.
souls are souls.
i agree with Mssr. Lewis; either souls never cease to exist - tho they may exist eternally in a state of death vs. existing eternally in a state of life - or there was no such thing as souls in the first place, only the temporary illusion of a soul; a lie we were deceived by for a passage of time, until it was made evident that it was only an illusion.
my dear Purple Lady disagrees with me about this - regarding people, iirc, tho not animals, who did not sin against God - and i love her. so i still love you too, dear brother Bill, even if you don't see this my way. it's clearly possible that C.S. Lewis & i are hopeless romantics who are simply wrong.
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