Do you believe that God accepts homosexuality or not?

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Do you believe that God accepts homosexuality or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 7.5%
  • No

    Votes: 157 90.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 4 2.3%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
Were you disobedient? I believe not. Why? It is because you were in search of the truth. You were coming to the knowledge of Christ. Even though you were unrepentant and within the congregation I believe that those who were ministering to you could see you were honestly in search of the truth. And who knows, maybe the Lord was telling someone within your congregation that you would come to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior but it would take some time. This was not disobedience but the road of salvation for you. And this is the way it should be sister and how we should minister to the lost souls in search of the truth. And with some people their road to salvation in Christ Jesus is different.
But the fact remains. Those who receive the knowledge of truth that what they are doing is sinful and openly remain in willful disobedience to God’s Word are to be put out from among the congregation. Such as those who say God made me this way!

Unfortunately christianwarrior I was, I believed in God for a while but refused to believe I was a sinner therefore I was disobedient to God's word and as you know, one has to realise their sins to repent and be saved. I also viewed christians as hypocrites and still sinners, I was unaware that you are saved by grace and not works alone.

Yet it's true, I was in search of the truth, because God drew me to him, and thankfully no one interfered with that connection.

If someone did interfere and pointed the finger and said that unrepentant sinners must leave my church, I would have left and it would have left a lasting, damaging effect with my relationship with God, possibly my only chance to know him.

SavedByHim is absolutely correct, although I must point out he was not calling you a hypocrite.

Instead he was pointing you to a verse that Christ said once, those words are true to this day. Are we shutting the doors to people who could be saved? These people have obviously come to church for a reason ( maybe God inspired) and are seeking yet we 'do not let those enter who are trying to' -matthew 23:13

If we do that then yes that is hypocritical ( not my words but Christ's)

The point I'm trying to make is, one has to realise Christ's existence in order to be saved, through realising his existence we accept the holy spirit. Then through the power of the holy spirit we can learn about his love,wisdom and the truth!

If we close the doors we are stopping Christ's connection with that person and not trusting God's ability to heal. That person came to church to explore the truth, why stop it?
If you shut the doors you would lead them to a congregation that would support homosexuality, thereby affecting their chance to know the truth.

I feel you are confident saying that I was on the road to salvation because you are aware that I am now a professed christian.
Now you know my story........ so did I deserve to be thrown out onto the streets? even though it took me 5 years to repent?

Remember, the church is not an institution but a body of people, by telling me you would not allow the person into the congregation would mean that you are not allowing that person to hear the gospel.
This forum is a church, is a person who is gay not allowed to go onto this forum? If you met a homosexual person on the street, would you ( the church) turn your back on him? and ignore?

The church in christ's day exploded left right and centre. That body of people i.e Christ and apostles went everywhere to spread the gospel and did not reject a person's attendance regardless if they were professed christians or not.
When Christ did the sermon on the mount he welcomed all.

Christ also said that if a person rejects you and the gospel you must dust your shoes and walk away. Yet this person is coming to you and the shoes are still being dusted. Are we doing our true purpose as christians and spreading the gospel, or are we becoming like pharisees as Christ so bluntly rebuked?


Actually, Jesus went to them (for the most part)

But the thing is, so many look at church as the place for "the sick" when that was never the purpose. We were told to GO and make disciples.

In saying that, the sinner that comes to church should come in wanting to be changed. If they are not ready to get out their sinful actions, what could they get in church other than instruction that can't be applied. But nowadays, we have pastors who cater their sermons to the sinners instead of the sheep.

Yes Jesus did go out to them. Jesus was the Church. :) Do you not agree?

There was no brick building back then, he went out and welcomed people willing to hear him preach. Should we not try to follow his example? If someone walks in, why would they not be willing to hear the sermon? Do you think they just go in to cause disruption and bring others down? Who is to say they want to change, admit they are homosexual and want to change but are struggling inside. What if once people find out they have gay thoughts, they feel instantly rejected by the church. Would this not put them into deeper sin? Are we not stopping them from being saved by having these preconceptions?

We are all sinners. Why would someone not wanting to change or hear what it is all about go to church. Isn't the fact they want to go, gives them an opportunity to learn about Jesus and hear his word. Isn't the same opportunity given to everyone else?

The point is.... the question was originally put as if a homosexual person comes INTO church, what would you do?
If the church is not made for "the sick", then are you saying the Church is made for the holy? Are we not all "sick" and full of temptation but trying to become less sinful? Do we not go to church for that reason? To become better for Christ and to Love God?


Please allow me to rewrite the Question. Do you believe that God accepts practicing homosexuals? NO !! This makes a hold new ball game.! LIKE, Do you believe God accepts Fornicators and Adulterers and lairs ? NO WAY.! When I was young and knew no better, I was enticed to homo activity. This was one reason why I hated my father for many years. My Father never did preach on sin, or even warn us of sin. He, personally, was very godly man, I never did saw any, (maybe inward pride) any open sin in my father's life; But he allowed us to go very wicked. I am a man of great anger, because my Father never got angry nor did he ever tell us "I love you". After I was saved at 17 and went to Bible college and became a pastor, I would get so angry at my Father, for his, non-condemning, ways; but I always asked for my Fathers forgiveness. My Father ,"had no sins" to repent of, that is the way I think He felt,most of his life. (I have had to ask my family for forgiveness many times, for my anger, and to day none of my children want me around.) My father was loved by all. ( I am rejected by most Christians)He was raised by a very strict Wesleyan father and mother, I never saw either set of grand parents. And He and his brother fought over the property. and dad just walked away, forgave his brother and never said a thing of it, until I was over 50 yrs old. He did acknowledge Jesus as his savior, in his latter yrs. On my Father's death bed ,he had something to say to me, but did not, I never pushed him,I let him die , peacefully,with my blessing and silence. We were at peace with each other. I always ,FELT, my Fathers love.! He didn't have to say it. BUT, I wish he had. I do not blame my father for who I am today, I can only ask forgiveness of my Heavenly Father for not being the man He wanted me to be; but I am thankful, I am who I am, by His grace, and not what I would have been with out the love of both of my DadS. Today, I live with some very kind and forgiving people. Love to all, Hoffco


In reality, the "church" of Jesus's day, the O.T. was commanded to stone certian sinners. Jesus told the "Hypocrites" not to stone the woman, mainly because they didn't bring the man also to be stoned with her. Their "church" was the synagogue and the temple. In the temple the Gentiles had to stay out side in the Gentile court after Nehemiah's day. And the "unclean" had to stay out side. The eternal Son of God help make those rules for the O.T.. we are thankful for Jesus abolishing those rules. Love to all, Hoffco


There are 3 things happening here:

1. All people sin, and all people are born that way. (yup, sin is genetic.... thanx Adam)

2. If someone isn't saved, they have no possible way to please God. Trying to get them to stop sinning is futile, because they would still go to hell for their past sins. God is the only judge of the world. Many "christians" falsely think they are God, and are dooming themselves to destruction by their own judgement.

3. Once a person is saved, they are BORN AGAIN. This is when change should naturally occur out of love for the savior, and a desire to follow Him. Being born again nullifies the argument that people are "born that way". Everyone is born predisposed to sin; some are born compulsive liars, some are angry, some have addictive personalities, some are attracted to the same sex. Whatever the sin is, the new birth breaks us from the bondage of those sins! Nowhere in the Bible does it say that this is easy, but it does say that repentance of known sin is the necessary and NATURAL EFFECT of salvation.
Jesus still loves those who view themselves as gay, but He also died to free them from that false identity.

Homosexuality in the Church(proffessing believers) is to be dealt with in love, but it does have to be dealt with, as any other sin should be corrected by the deacons and elders, quietly and not judgmentally, in a form of counseling, not public disgrace. Homosexuality outside of the Church however, is not a concern to believers. The salvation of the lost needs to be 1st before sanctification/justification can begin.
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As for the Bible verses against homosexuality, they have all been contested.

The Leviticus verses are easy to argue against. I just have to point out the fact that you are cherry picking one law out of a huge list of laws that no one follows or believes in with any convictions anymore. Laws about fabric mixing and how to handle your period and eating pork are all thrown out the window. No one follows them or gives them any sort of credence, but this law still stands for some reason. I think the mistake that a lot of Christians make is that they believe each Bible verse is speaking to them personally. (One of my favorite examples of this is Jeremiah 29:11. This verse was not stated for all people but just for the Israelites in exile, yet you see this verse quoted all the time during graduations and whatnot.) What you need to understand is that the Mosaic law was meant for the ancient Israelites and that is it. Even modern Jews do not follow this law anymore. Things that are considered a sin in the Mosaic law are no longer considered a sin. So bringing up something from there as evidence is just pointless.

Then there's Romans 1. People need to understand who Paul is talking to and what is going on in Rome at that time. Scholars agree that that passage is referring to the temple prostitution that was rampant during that time, which involved all sorts of sexual immorality (prostitution, sex with idols, etc.). This is what was unnatural. Paul wasn't singling out homosexuality like people think.

And finally all those verses with lists saying fornicators and liars and adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God (which makes no sense since we all have lied). First of all, no Christian who supports homosexuality is saying they support homosexual promiscuity. That is frowned upon just as much as heterosexual promiscuity. But a loving, monogamous relationship, faithful to each other and to the Lord, and bound by marriage. I don't see where the Bible finds fault with this.
Let me start with Romans 1 verse 26-27

"For this cause God gave them up unto VILE AFFECTIONS: for even their woman did change THE NATURAL USE into that which is AGAINST NATURE

And likewise also the men, LEAVING THE NATURAL USE OF a WOMAN, and burned in their lust one toward another; MEN WITH MEN working that which unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of THEIR ERROR, which was due" Amen.

Shame on you for trying to pull the wool over our eyes, or attempting to, trying to explain that Homosexuality more or less is " No big Deal"!!
Sin is is a big deal to God. And no unrepentant sinner whoever they Are will be going to The Lake of Fire if they don't repent...


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
In reality, the "church" of Jesus's day, the O.T. was commanded to stone certian sinners. Jesus told the "Hypocrites" not to stone the woman, mainly because they didn't bring the man also to be stoned with her. Their "church" was the synagogue and the temple. In the temple the Gentiles had to stay out side in the Gentile court after Nehemiah's day. And the "unclean" had to stay out side. The eternal Son of God help make those rules for the O.T.. we are thankful for Jesus abolishing those rules. Love to all, Hoffco

3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.
Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.

He did not stone her because he forgave her, Christ is forgiveness.


The point is.... the question was originally put as if a homosexual person comes INTO church, what would you do?
If the church is not made for "the sick", then are you saying the Church is made for the holy? Are we not all "sick" and full of temptation but trying to become less sinful? Do we not go to church for that reason? To become better for Christ and to Love God?
Actually, we go to church for the sake of Christian instruction. Paul was pretty adamant about correction in the church. I used "the sick" because that who Jesus said he was coming for but now church is looked at as a "hospital" to heal the sick instead of feeding the sheep, which is the whole purpose of church. Christ ministry was also more evangelistic than pastoral.

With that, we answered the original question similarly. If a homosexual person came into the church wanting to change, why turn them away, because they are wanting to be changed. Now if they are in the congregation, accepted membership into the local church, and still living a sinful lifestyle, then the line in the sand must be drawn. If you are still set in your sinful lifestyle (no matter what it is), how are you becoming better for Christ and by willful and deliberate sinning, how are you showing you love God?Going to church doesn't make you less sinful, because according to Christ and Paul, sinful individuals still lurk in the church. (Read Matt 18 and 1 Cor 5 regarding this).


No God made Adam and Eve for each other ,and a act of male+male,Female+Female sexual relations is a abomination.The old testament says it as well as the new testament, plain and simple No justifying it.God forgives those that truly repent of this as well as any other sins.
Mar 4, 2013
No God made Adam and Eve for each other ,and a act of male+male,Female+Female sexual relations is a abomination.The old testament says it as well as the new testament, plain and simple No justifying it.God forgives those that truly repent of this as well as any other sins.

Amen. God said from the beginning to multiply. Same sexes can't do that. Why? God didn't created things to make that happen. We can't fulfill the commandment of God to multiply if we don't have the opposite gender as our mate.
Mar 2, 2013
HI Kreation

How can God not except what he has created himself. It is people who do not except not God. Soon it will be normal. Just let the churches get over their temper tantrums over something new that they cannot control.

Hey Homosexuals are not excepted? if a homosexual died and left a few million dollars to the church they would be killing each other to get to it.

How can they say God does not except gays then go against their own teachings to gain money from what they say is sinful. Don't they have to distance themselves from that? You cannot obtain money from shall we say for arguments sake the hands of sinful people.

Can I again smell hypocrisy here ?

I do not believe homosexuality is a sin. It no more different to being born of a different back ground , or a mixed blood marriage which as you possible know was banned by Christians at one time. And still not looked on with favor by some.

If something does not suit then it has to be a sin. Possibly next year it will be a sin to show your arms in public who knows.

If you love your partner and have a happy union together and both consenting adults live in peace my friend.

Homosexuality is still governed by the same rules, and whether male and male or male/ female the rules of honesty caring kindness and truth still stand.

Homosexuality has not got an edge on things. This was around as long as humans have.

Take a look at your plants hey you actually have plants that swing. Check your Botany on the Kwi fruit

But all of a sudden a new religion appears it is a money making market. What is the first thing you do to make money? have your market (which is the people) under control.

Actually I think a lot of people who say it is a sin could be scared they are in the closet themselves. People fight and shy away most from what they are scared of.

One thing I will tell you is you cannot turn a straight person gay the inclination is not there.
Those who say they were assaulted and remained that way are kidding themselves and they have at least Bi tendencies in the first place.

What ever your tendencies take care of yourself and if you are not gay please try to understand those that are.

Mar 2, 2013

So if this is a commandment of God to multiply, does it mean that barren people should not be allowed to marry?

The union is not going to multiply is it? I mean to say are they committing the sin of fornication because they are lusting after the flesh without using the reason of multiplication.

From what I have seen of some multiplying humans they should not be here themselves never mind bringing in more like themselves.

Just a question from an interested person.

Sometimes I think I am insane then come in here and find out I am not. Makes my day.

Hoot Owl


You can love those that are gay without accepting the lifestyle they choose,and as far as understanding that depends on who and what you want to understand.Do I want to understand Man and his ways apart from God that he is also seeking to justify as right,and I tell you I am not.Even I would buy a gay person that's hungry a sandwich,so what that is still a person God loves and it is the sin he hates.


Where does acceptance equal love do parents love even the rebellious child?


HI Kreation

How can God not except what he has created himself. It is people who do not except not God. Soon it will be normal. Just let the churches get over their temper tantrums over something new that they cannot control.

Hey Homosexuals are not excepted? if a homosexual died and left a few million dollars to the church they would be killing each other to get to it.

How can they say God does not except gays then go against their own teachings to gain money from what they say is sinful. Don't they have to distance themselves from that? You cannot obtain money from shall we say for arguments sake the hands of sinful people.

Can I again smell hypocrisy here ?

I do not believe homosexuality is a sin. It no more different to being born of a different back ground , or a mixed blood marriage which as you possible know was banned by Christians at one time. And still not looked on with favor by some.

If something does not suit then it has to be a sin. Possibly next year it will be a sin to show your arms in public who knows.

If you love your partner and have a happy union together and both consenting adults live in peace my friend.

Homosexuality is still governed by the same rules, and whether male and male or male/ female the rules of honesty caring kindness and truth still stand.

Homosexuality has not got an edge on things. This was around as long as humans have.

Take a look at your plants hey you actually have plants that swing. Check your Botany on the Kwi fruit

But all of a sudden a new religion appears it is a money making market. What is the first thing you do to make money? have your market (which is the people) under control.

Actually I think a lot of people who say it is a sin could be scared they are in the closet themselves. People fight and shy away most from what they are scared of.

One thing I will tell you is you cannot turn a straight person gay the inclination is not there.
Those who say they were assaulted and remained that way are kidding themselves and they have at least Bi tendencies in the first place.

What ever your tendencies take care of yourself and if you are not gay please try to understand those that are.

As far as what you said in reference to God telling them not to mix with other races.You are correct but it is ignorant to think it had any purpose other than it's real purpose.God did not want them to be led into worshiping other Gods that the other surrounding people did it had nothing to do with race mixing,only a matter of not being led into pagan worship that God was worried of.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011

One person asks a simple question and off we go with the sin bit.

I am sorry I like gay people. They are governed by exactly the same rules as anybody else. Apart from the fact they sleep with the same sex which is their business. not unless others in here could be secretly interested, it seems to worry some of you a lot. " The gentleman doth protest too much"

I have had this out before. Gay people the real ones not Bi etc who have a choice, are born gay. For them to change is like trying to tell a dark skinned person to change the colour of their skin.

If you believe that God is the maker of man then he also made gays.

Why don't you pick on the swinger Christians or the Adulterer or lets face it the Godly men of the cloth who use children for their own desires. And which I may add is hidden by the churches.

It is not a sin to love. Yes I have heard of the saying "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" We were put on this earth to create blah blah blah.

So being barren is a sin too I take it. There you go if you cant have kids do not have sex it is a sin

Mathew told the multitudes no sin is greater than the other. I notice verses that are used against gays are only the ones that suit. Please remember condemnation is a sin have you forgotten " condemn not lest you be condemned" Oh yes I can also quote. So you too are sinning as much as any gay.

Get a life leave others alone at least gays are upfront with their sins how about others.

If God does not like it let him get off his throne get down here and tell the gays himself.

Personally I would rather have it from the engine driver than the oil rag

Hoot Owl

Sodomy is a wicked and vile sin.

And no ma'am, they are not gay. They are sodomites.

Also, they are not born that way. Except for the fact that we were all shapen in iniquity and conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5).

And what the Sodomites need to do is repent of their vile and wicked sin and get saved.

They don't need to be upfront about their abominable sin. They don't need to be flaunting it in the open, like they do at those wicked and abominable "pride" parades.

Isaiah 3:9 KJV
The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

And by the way, it's "Judge not, that ye be not judged." - Matthew 7:1 (KJV)


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2012
Looking at the poll results it looks like the debate is over.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is an ongoing debate that has risen into the christian community since the recent law changes. Which has resulted in a lot of divisions in the church.

My question is do you think that God views homosexuality as a sin or not and why? Are some people born homosexual thus making it completely natural and not a choice or is it an inherited sin in which we are born with like the rest of sins and essentially one has to be 'born again'?

I am really interested in people's viewpoints

I apologise if this question has been asked many times before as I am new to this forum.

Thanks for replying in advance :)
Hi there Kreation,

No matter how much the majority of public opinion these days condones Sodomy, the truth of the matter is that God still views Sodomy as a sin. In fact, it is a very grievous sin. (See Genesis 18:20).

And the sin of Sodomy is also an abomination ( see Levitcus 18:22).

Sodomy is the final stage of moral decline and degeneration in a man before he is turned over to a reprobate mind. (see Romans 1:24-28)

Therefore God does not accept sodomy. But rather, God strongly condemns Sodomy.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
Actually, we go to church for the sake of Christian instruction. Paul was pretty adamant about correction in the church. I used "the sick" because that who Jesus said he was coming for but now church is looked at as a "hospital" to heal the sick instead of feeding the sheep, which is the whole purpose of church. Christ ministry was also more evangelistic than pastoral.

With that, we answered the original question similarly. If a homosexual person came into the church wanting to change, why turn them away, because they are wanting to be changed. Now if they are in the congregation, accepted membership into the local church, and still living a sinful lifestyle, then the line in the sand must be drawn. If you are still set in your sinful lifestyle (no matter what it is), how are you becoming better for Christ and by willful and deliberate sinning, how are you showing you love God?Going to church doesn't make you less sinful, because according to Christ and Paul, sinful individuals still lurk in the church. (Read Matt 18 and 1 Cor 5 regarding this).

I must ask, how would you draw the line for this person? How exactly would you disfellowship this person?
Mar 2, 2013
Hi Kreation

I am having trouble with messages on this site. I had the same trouble with Nathan3 yesterday when he asked a question.

Thank you for contacting me it is nice to see someone who is actually willing to discuss instead of throwing versus with no body to them.

Let me tell you about myself then you will know where I am coming from.

I am not a Christian. Neither am I a homosexual. I respect what others believe as long as that belief does not include using forceful tactics to win people over in anyway.

I am not trying to speak against the bible only the use of it by those who choose to use its words to manipulate brainwash, and totally intimidate others into their beliefs.

Religion all of them not just the Christians are blatantly doing this with no thought for the feelings of those who do not live the same way that their churches say they should live.

And to cap it all some of their leaders the people who are supposed to spread the word are spreading their own hidden sins behind cloister doors and kept hidden when found out.

The time has come now when people can speak out with open minds without the fear of being jailed or worse about the atrocities that have been carried out especially to children in their care.

Till the churches can honestly step up to the plate and hold themselves accountable for what was done they have no right to tell others that they are living in any kind of sin. The churches do not do this till the people are caught, why these people are not thrown out of the church I do not know, especially as the church considers it such a sin?

Obviously the church considered them to be good religious leaders and they were moved onto other churches. Obviously they thought God also excepted it.

They were doing this while banning people from white churches because of the colour of their skin.
Come on a black man could not enter a white church? does God except this also?

They talk to me about testimonies. testimonies do not even stand up in a court of law. People want fact not what somebody said or wrote years ago. People were burnt at the stake because of testimony.
Go back to my post and read the poem which is on this site that I wrote and put up.

People will always attack when they hear the truth especially in religion. Religion is the only hope they have to hang on to.

But answer me this, how many people would still be Christian love and follow God if Christianity turned out to be propaganda. I doubt very many because it is a human failing to only do something if there is something in it for ourselves.

So what if no Heaven? no ending of the days when all the Christians would sit by God and watch none believers burn.
That to me comes over as being vindictive.

Myself I would be pleading for those who were to burn not rejoice in the fact that I was holier than them.

With one word they say we were given the freedom of choice, what choice? according to the bible we are condemned anyway for eating from the tree of knowledge no choice there.

Anybody with half a brain knows that there is no such thing as freedom of choice whether in the bible or not.
if we were given the freedom of choice God would have let us see the consequences of those choices before we made them.
We all know we have to pay for the choices. Even if the intentions of that choice were good ones.

So how can they say for a start Homosexuals have a choice when they are born gay. And then say God will not except it but a millionaire gay mans money is good enough. God I take it excepts that.

Those who do swing both ways are Bi-sexual different scenario.

I know homosexuals who have been married had children then decided they were gay. I must admit not to tell their partner that they had these Bi-sexual feelings was a sin ( a word I do not like) against their partners soul and took away the right for the partner to decide if they wanted to continue the relationship.

If homosexuality is the wrong choice then it is up to the individual to make up there own mind and be treated as anybody else. With the dignity and respect they deserve.

Does God accept them? I do not know he has never told me and I never considered it question important enough to ask such a great man. Not that he would answer me anyway lol. Maybe I should speaking in tongues.

Just sick and tired of the hypocrisy spread behind the guise that they call worship.
