Were you disobedient? I believe not. Why? It is because you were in search of the truth. You were coming to the knowledge of Christ. Even though you were unrepentant and within the congregation I believe that those who were ministering to you could see you were honestly in search of the truth. And who knows, maybe the Lord was telling someone within your congregation that you would come to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior but it would take some time. This was not disobedience but the road of salvation for you. And this is the way it should be sister and how we should minister to the lost souls in search of the truth. And with some people their road to salvation in Christ Jesus is different.
But the fact remains. Those who receive the knowledge of truth that what they are doing is sinful and openly remain in willful disobedience to God’s Word are to be put out from among the congregation. Such as those who say God made me this way!
But the fact remains. Those who receive the knowledge of truth that what they are doing is sinful and openly remain in willful disobedience to God’s Word are to be put out from among the congregation. Such as those who say God made me this way!
Unfortunately christianwarrior I was, I believed in God for a while but refused to believe I was a sinner therefore I was disobedient to God's word and as you know, one has to realise their sins to repent and be saved. I also viewed christians as hypocrites and still sinners, I was unaware that you are saved by grace and not works alone.
Yet it's true, I was in search of the truth, because God drew me to him, and thankfully no one interfered with that connection.
If someone did interfere and pointed the finger and said that unrepentant sinners must leave my church, I would have left and it would have left a lasting, damaging effect with my relationship with God, possibly my only chance to know him.
SavedByHim is absolutely correct, although I must point out he was not calling you a hypocrite.
Instead he was pointing you to a verse that Christ said once, those words are true to this day. Are we shutting the doors to people who could be saved? These people have obviously come to church for a reason ( maybe God inspired) and are seeking yet we 'do not let those enter who are trying to' -matthew 23:13
If we do that then yes that is hypocritical ( not my words but Christ's)
The point I'm trying to make is, one has to realise Christ's existence in order to be saved, through realising his existence we accept the holy spirit. Then through the power of the holy spirit we can learn about his love,wisdom and the truth!
If we close the doors we are stopping Christ's connection with that person and not trusting God's ability to heal. That person came to church to explore the truth, why stop it?
If you shut the doors you would lead them to a congregation that would support homosexuality, thereby affecting their chance to know the truth.
I feel you are confident saying that I was on the road to salvation because you are aware that I am now a professed christian.
Now you know my story........ so did I deserve to be thrown out onto the streets? even though it took me 5 years to repent?
Remember, the church is not an institution but a body of people, by telling me you would not allow the person into the congregation would mean that you are not allowing that person to hear the gospel.
This forum is a church, is a person who is gay not allowed to go onto this forum? If you met a homosexual person on the street, would you ( the church) turn your back on him? and ignore?
The church in christ's day exploded left right and centre. That body of people i.e Christ and apostles went everywhere to spread the gospel and did not reject a person's attendance regardless if they were professed christians or not.
When Christ did the sermon on the mount he welcomed all.
Christ also said that if a person rejects you and the gospel you must dust your shoes and walk away. Yet this person is coming to you and the shoes are still being dusted. Are we doing our true purpose as christians and spreading the gospel, or are we becoming like pharisees as Christ so bluntly rebuked?