Oh Lord why are our eyes so covered by the cloud of misunderstanding?!! Help us see...
I see the power of sin undermined, I see the lack of changing into the New man completely. I see the misunderstanding that it does not take a pure sacrifice to answer the power of sin in relationship to Gods righteousness.
Let me change the picture a touch to see it if this helps:: Let's call the Old Man a Dog, let's call the New Man a Lamb. Why are we comparing a Dog to a Lamb?..you say well because we will always have sinful nature, or, you may say the dog will always have a influence, for the bible says if anyone says they are not a sinner he is a liar. hence, we live thru Gods grace to cover that influence.
So are we to say the Lamb has dog parts? Or are we to say the Dog has wings? But God called us to be perfect just as He is perfect. It doesn't say,.."To know perfect as He knows perfect." Do you even feel the difference in your soul, to that statement change? We now need grace to substitute Christ in it's importance?. No!... where in Scripture does it say grace is the way to the Father.. 1 John 5:11-12, doesn't mention grace at all. I see a Dog, a Dog with wings, and a Lamb ,with a backpack on. Not biblical references but my reference to illustrate. ... .
The Dog is not a lamb in anyway. the dog with wings is the grace over- emphasized faith of accepting sin in all people. Remember the Scripture talking about all have sin in us is referencing only the Dog. The scripture talking about anyone not saying sin is in them is a liar is also talking about only about the Dog, not the Lamb.We are now not the Dog but a Lamb with a back pack on. God says there is only the Dog or Lamb, again my analogy, based on Scripture. The Dog with wings that people feel exists; does not exist at all.. It is the fixing of the Dog. This is not a partly damaged Lamb to God but still simply a Dog.
Grace is for the finishing work of the Lamb, not an omission of Gods judgement over a Lambs sins. But if we are a Lamb found in Christ, the judgement of sinlessness then becomes not compared to the Dog, but the Lamb. And if Christ is what God sees not even us, and we say sin will still be in us everyday we are to say Christ is in sin everyday?, and God has to cover it, in Jesus, daily??, But what of the Scripture that says Christ is God? The triune doesn't exist, we have to throw out a lot of Scripture to get to that overemphasized grace to fit the, now, mans version don't we? See the mess this is becoming?
Do we not think God would have not Sacrificed His only begotten Son, if it were possible to get the job done another way? But we need to see the absolute POWER found in the righteousness of God Himself. In the very nature of who God is no ability to have sin in His presence. Our sin made us unfixable, our will is too weak. Not a spec of sin can exist in His presence. So the only answer was a 100% pure sacrifice to pay for the sins of man. And the only answer is to believe, and to respond to that belief in confession of the Dog and in the understanding of the Lamb found in the History and victory of the Cross on Calvary to be sinless and give opportunity for God to finish His work in us.in There is NO DOG in the Lamb, none. Born again means death and birth exist equally, And equally complete.
Christ didn't sin on the cross, as some have claimed He gave Himself over to accept sin onto Himself. bearing sin and committing sin are two different animals like the Dog and Lamb.The victory we have is complete.
You may wonder what the back pack is all about..this is sins nature in the backpack, always with us, but never needed to take out unless we chose.And yes, Satan will come by and unzip the back pack and take out some and sprinkle it around us, but He can never make us partake, because of the completeness of that victory I spoke of earlier, found on the cross. Amen! I am free yes free indeed! Theres the freedom!
The back pack is something we have next to us, yet God will always be there to supervise the opening of it, the use of it, and the judgement of its use, for God rules in all things now. God has said Go and sin no more. This is his will, and there is to be nothing added or taken from it. He says to many books there is no end...so lets get this... the cross is our power, grace is our finishing tool of the Lamb, But be careful not to turn back into the Dog. be careful that the Lamb does not get it's work finished, for God will judge both.