Thanks, Icedaisey. Yes, I'm pondering that question but especially in relation to how eternally-gratefull (and others like him) perceive Election. Their belief seems to be that God knew before the world began, who, through their own understanding, would come to faith in Christ, and based upon that faith, elected them. But, if elected on that basis, what purpose did it serve, and why - what could Election produce that being saved by their own faith didn't? Granted, I may not fully comprehend their position, but at this point anyway, it seems both illogical and self-contradictory . I'd be interested to hear their side of it.
For me, it's fascinating to know God new the names of people he would deliver into His Salvation before there existed a world needing Salvation.
Those verses that lead us to understand God's having purposed Salvation for those He elected to Save reiterates his Sovereignty over his creation. It also informs He has Predestined all that transpired, making Salvation to come to pass.
The question is answered then as to why He would cast Lucifer and his follower angels to earth rather than destroy them for their rebellion in Heaven.
Another point too is, how do angels sin in what is to be the final home for human souls rescued from sin on earth?
That though is how sin pre-existed Eden.
Which then encapsulates the other then encapsulates the other scripture in Isaiah 45.
5I am the LORD, and there is no other;there is no God but Me.I will equip you for battle,though you have not known Me,
6so that all may know,
from where the sun rises to where it sets,that there is none but Me;I am the LORD, and there is no other.7I form the light and create the darkness;
I bring prosperity and create calamity.
I, the LORD, do all these things.
The question is, why?
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