Well you ought to study how God relented destroying Israel and raising up a people through Moses because Moses interceded on behalf of those people.
I do not expect you to understand the will of God. Yours is a fatalistic view and not one of hope.
For the cause of Christ
I do not expect you to understand the will of God. Yours is a fatalistic view and not one of hope.
For the cause of Christ
Do you not know this?
Moses led Israel out of bondage to Egypt.
Jesus leads the Church out of bondage to sin.
Try reading Hebrews. One portion talks about how Jesus is "better than" Moses. In fact, the whole theme of Hebrews is about Jesus being "better than" all the other characters of ancient Israel. Some were inferior types of Jesus, and this includes Moses.
God knew that Moses would intercede for Israel. God was busy sanctifying and transforming Moses' character through this incident. He was being conformed to the image of Christ, in essence. The event was a growth experience for Moses, as well as demonstrating this typology for the savvy Bible reader.
God knew all along that Moses would intercede, just like Jesus does on a constant basis, because 1) God was shaping him through this event and 2) God knows the future exhaustively.
Of course, I realize that free-willers often try to twist God into some anthropomorphic (man-like) creature that doesn't know the future. That is part of their extremely heretical open-theism and process theology views.
I am surprised at the lack of understanding amongst free-willers, but I shouldn't be, as part of it involves their inability to view the Bible from an organic perspective. That is one of the reasons I am Reformed.
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