document the part in red please
where does that say He gives us the words to pray?
it says CLEARLY The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
That's right, 'with groanings which cannot be uttered,' ohzone. They are words that Spirit sees in our hearts that we do not see, do not understand, but His peace passes all understanding, Phil 4:8 tells us.
We ARE speaking those words, it's not us saying them, it is the Spirit interceDing for us , telling us what we OUGHT to say and pray and just because the words are not audible does not mean they are not real. They are fully REAL, the groanings and utterings are His speaking to us what we cannot do on our own ,what He understands that we cannot do on our own, hence, the 'with groanings which cannot be uttered.' God is answering the prayers that we cannot understand how to word, or, even get out of our mouths. He knows. He cares. Cast your prayers on Him because He cares , besides, prayer changes things
God knows our prayers, our things heavy on our heart BEFORE we pray

But, the act of praying brings God into our lives to a level that is unseen and we will see His work through us when we pray. God WANTS His people to pray without ceasing and in our human lives there will be trouble but He has overcome the world, by His power. Pray, pray, pray, all the time, and, at times, those prayers will seem tough to even do but God will get us through as we have faith in Him, to pray, which brings our lives to righteousness in Him, believing in Him