Is that how you dialogue? by presumption? making a negative response
then..................after a half dozen posts try to understand a post
you did not read?
I did not write there are 2 kinds of faith, any more than id say there are 2 kinds of Godly knowledge
or wisdom.....the point is that faith is just, the gift of faith would simply be a God enhanced faith.
You actually missed my point that was originally a response to you...and now your trying to make an issue
of what i wrote....and whatever your issue is alludes me even tho ive reread your posts

In otherwords what are you even talking about?
IT's up to Him, it's not up to us what He does, why can't some see that truth ?
And, for uptoHim: it's not for us to KNOW who has the gift of knowledge over another, it is just as God well pleases and does for His will, good pleasure, and, don't forget , His glory

Paul speaks clearly that who is a 'leader' doesn't matter, read 1 Cor. 3 last few verses
So you know someone who has the gift of knowledge? Specifically what do they know? How is the gift different to what the rest of us know?
I'm convinced you need the gift of knowledge. It is obtained by study of the scriptures.
It's naive to think, isn't it, that some are not with MORE knowledge than others of Christ things, like, yes, as you said, uptoHim, Scripture, which is where the Spirit who is in us reveals truth. All truth is revealed through the Spirit of truth (wow, green, you sound so profound right now

) .
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[SUP]
a[/SUP] faith;
7if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;
8if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[SUP]
b[/SUP] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
See, God's grace is what gives us our gifts, it sounds to me like we ALL get gifts. And, yes, indeed, there is a gift of knowledge, which simply means they can tell of God's Love to others, with His wisdom spoken through them. We don't ALL have the gift of knowledge the same, uptoHIm, just because we all read the Scripture. No, no, no, the Lord leads. He has MADE you differenT from everyone else on planet Earth, unique. Praise God for that.
I mean, how ugly would this world be with a whole bunch of same looking squirrels running around

OK, that was a shameless jibe at my buddy, squirrelfriend, you KNOW, I Love ya, man