Leviticus 25:44-46 Slave buying/trafficking and slave beating Exodus 21:20-21.
They are not called slaves, but bondmen, and bondmaiden, and they bought them not took them by force.
God told Israel to treat the strangers in the land as their own people.
And there were rules for how they were to treat them which they could not abuse them, and could not beat them, and if they did they would get to go free, so there was no beating of the servants.
If they beat the servants God did not approve of it and if He does not approve of it then it does not discredit God, or the Bible.
It is like people that speak of the sexual immorality in the Bible to lessen the impact of the sexual immorality that goes on now, or to criticize the Bible in a negative light.
But what they say is meaningless because God did not approve of their actions so it does not discredit God, or the Bible.
It is people doing stupid things like people have been doing for thousands of years like if they did beat their servants it is people doing stupid things and has nothing to do with God, or the Bible.
God did not approve of Abraham and the handmaiden having Ishmael which is why He sent him and his mother away, but He still blessed Ishmael because he was the son of Abraham and He forgives sin.
God did not approve of David having a man killed in battle to take his wife which resulted in Solomon but He still blessed Solomon and he became king.
God did not approve of Solomon having many wives, and concubines.
The same with the 12 tribes God is still going to bless them even if Jacob had them by 2 wives, and 2 other women.
The same as if they beat their servants God does not approve of it so stop trying to discredit God, and the Bible for it is people doing stupid things like people have been doing for thousands of years.
They could not beat the servants, and could not abuse them, for that was not permitted by God.
They bought them not forced them.
And speaking of this subject the white people did not go in to the interior of Africa and take slaves but the Africans brought them out to them to be sold mainly tribes they conquered, and they are still selling slaves to this day but not to white people.
And who gets in to more trouble the drug dealer, or the user, so maybe it is black guilt is more appropriate than white guilt.
Also the Africans they conquered were their enemy so who would treat them better the Africans that conquered them, or the white people that was not their enemy but only wanted cheap labor.
I do not believe it was as bad as what they say which other nations say they been taught that the Africans sold the black people, and the white people did not take them, but they will not teach them that in America for the American government wants division.
Also the white people were the first people to end slavery which England ended slavery in 1833, and France in 1848, and America in 1865, the first people to do that in the history of the world, and led the charge to end slavery in the world.