I'm Not a sir lol, though I admire your respect to an elder, thank-you
if you don't mind, i'll pass on the video; as I know that this would not be possible at this time of God's Plan. Remember our warning; and I WILL send them STRONG delusion.
Do NOT under-estimate the power of our enemy; Satan/Death.
In this generation there are no chosen people of God left in the Plan, save the 2 Great Witnesses, the rest of us just witnesses.
So IF this is very recent, and you believe that he is one of the two; and tell me that! then I would look.
Do NOT under-estimate the power of our enemy; Satan/Death.
In this generation there are no chosen people of God left in the Plan, save the 2 Great Witnesses, the rest of us just witnesses.
So IF this is very recent, and you believe that he is one of the two; and tell me that! then I would look.
The enemy himself is weakness BTW.
I have prayed for many people and seen very many of them healed (some were not because of my lack of faith.)
If I can pray for a torn ACL to be healed, and see a non believing kid come to school the next day without a metal brace on (which he needed for 8 more months, but he was healed so he no longer needed it)
if i can see THAT healed by the love of Christ then another son or daughter of God can pray for someone to raise from the dead and see THAT happen to. God is not intimidated by death.