Well I am assuming that the word you used means outdated, as in an antique.
And NO! it IS NOT Outdated
at this time .
The Original KJV Bible came with a preface of warning that it was susceptable to error.
That IS why they numbered the verses of transliterated scripture, so that if one is unable to fully grasp what is being said, that there is
more about that verse in the original Hebrew and Greek texts of
I guess no matter what translation one hears, one will attain a certain level of faith, I just have a feeling though; from what I have seen in many of these newer translations, they are nothing more than compounded errors, and would make it harder and longer to correct in the Hebrew and Greek; unless you want to trust the intellect of the man
at this time that did the translation.
Our WW1 & WW2 soldiers willing gave their lives to bring this KJV translation to us; and though I openly admit that I closed the Old Testament in frustration many times, because of Not understanding it. Finally, after trying my whole life to get help with this, and giving up, to the point that I lost my faith and threw a litteral prayer of tantrum; I was showed in less than 1 Day a very sincere Pastor, that I certainly wasn't looking for anymore.
And YES Cathy! it was Arnold Murray of The Sheppard's Chapel who guided me through The Father's Words of Truth.
Kind of funny how I found this Big, little old man, teaching at Genisis 1:1 at 4:30 in the morning, telling me, NOT to believe him, that man or any other man or woman unless you check them out in The Word.
Though he is of course NOT perfect by any means; as NO man IS. I was able
through him, NOT by him, able to hear
with understanding Our Father's Words of Truth in English, BUT! with the Hebrew understanding.
I myself cannot understand why it is that many of his followers turn the man into a religion

and though many do, that's not really his fault, as these people are obviously following Arnold Murray the man, and not following The Word, that he teaches. But then there are others just like me, that have been sincerely helped
through him.
Sorry about the length of the Post Ress.