Works Salvationist seem to be talking as If they weren’t GODs workmanship first.
They talk as If they can do these things of themselves but without JESUS they could not do anything but be brought Into captivity to the law of sin which Is In their flesh.
Not to despair STH. The Father
chastens (corrects) those He loves!
To use Jaybirds analogy of a baby? I have not seen a baby
YET, of ANY kind, that ENJOYS being WEENED!
One could very well use the term of TOUGH LOVE, by the mother, in HER efforts of weening her offspring.
I'm CERTAIN the offspring runs around crying, and screaming, "I'm GONNA DIE!!" "I"M GONNA DIE!!!"
Some? Simply
refuse to be weened, and go running round and round looking for something
instead of Mother's milk.
2 Thessalonians 2
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
(THIS) lie:
I know this sounds rather "harsh", don't it?
But, is it any less harsher, that, which Adam did to God?
Man are such "funny" creatures! Forgetting in who's
image they are created in, yes?
Whereas, man can have and hold certain emotions! Yet, the Father is
forbidden to!
(God in a box)
"I'm gonna DIE!!" "I'M GONNA die!!"
Solution? Ask Jehovah Roi (Jehovah my shepherd), in Christ, to "show you the way."