just to put this out there. I don't think Rickstudies is suggesting salvation through the law, which is what Paul was talking against. I think there's just a bit of confusion in the thread that may or may not be intentional. Doesn't seem intentional.
personally I ascribe critical importance to the law in my understanding of grace. It shows me where I need it when I get too wrapped up in self-righteousness...I know the law is a schoolmaster (Gal 3:24-25) and that has been evident throughout my life. For me it is about "remembrance" of the law and what it points to.
I presume that most don't vacillate on the pharasaical extreme as much so it makes sense why there are disagreements. I certainly would love to go back to "law keeping" in humanistic strength "if" it could be done. It can't though, only Yeshua fulfilled the law and I have attempted and failed. It is enough to know that whatever I am attempting when I do that, the Lord is not pleased with. So I don't do that anymore.
currently wrestling with the concept of law based grace vs grace based law but it's vague at present and I'd need to be considerably less vague.
I just think that people vacillate on a spectrum with the work of the cross at the center.
here's a post about this in a sabbath thread @RickStudies that I typed.
I'm still figuring out the messianic jew side of christianity and I think it's an individual calling/path not a prescription.
Is this more or less what you mean? I think there is potential error in saying there are two gospels...I'll have to think on it but it makes more sense to say that there are two methods for the gospel. Which can be seen in the ministry of circumcision and uncircumcision. You speak to an orthodox Jew differently than a pagan.
personally I ascribe critical importance to the law in my understanding of grace. It shows me where I need it when I get too wrapped up in self-righteousness...I know the law is a schoolmaster (Gal 3:24-25) and that has been evident throughout my life. For me it is about "remembrance" of the law and what it points to.
I presume that most don't vacillate on the pharasaical extreme as much so it makes sense why there are disagreements. I certainly would love to go back to "law keeping" in humanistic strength "if" it could be done. It can't though, only Yeshua fulfilled the law and I have attempted and failed. It is enough to know that whatever I am attempting when I do that, the Lord is not pleased with. So I don't do that anymore.
currently wrestling with the concept of law based grace vs grace based law but it's vague at present and I'd need to be considerably less vague.
I just think that people vacillate on a spectrum with the work of the cross at the center.
here's a post about this in a sabbath thread @RickStudies that I typed.
I'm still figuring out the messianic jew side of christianity and I think it's an individual calling/path not a prescription.
Is this more or less what you mean? I think there is potential error in saying there are two gospels...I'll have to think on it but it makes more sense to say that there are two methods for the gospel. Which can be seen in the ministry of circumcision and uncircumcision. You speak to an orthodox Jew differently than a pagan.
There is one everlasting gospel according to the book of Revelation. In Galatians 7:2 the word gospel appears twice each is assigned to a different Apostle presiding over two distinct groups who led very different lifestyles. 1 + 1 = 2 which is why I said the number 2
The Gosple of Peter is gospel of the Kingdom as preached by Jesus. Jesus taught to keep the law and it carried over into Peter`s preaching which is why you see Peter in Acts 10 still keeping the law. You cannot find a verse in which Christ says to quit the Law.
Paul spent 3 years in the desert with Jesus where he recieved his gospel. Paul`s Gospel is the amended version of Jesus gospel that contains knowledge/doctrine that had not previously been made known.
The Messianic Jew side is a modern day/end time equilivant to Peter`s churches. Prophetically a very important development.
As a Gentle you not called to sojourne in spite of what the Hebrew Root cult says. Don`t get the two mixed up. Thx
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