Homosexuality doesn't exist in heaven; nor does heterosexuality for the matter either.
Wait. What? Heterosexuality is more than just men and women being attracted to each other, it's our God-given identity as males and females.
"To he who overcomes." Meaning, overcome your sin. Overcome your rebellious nature, and you will be cleansed and able to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Which can only be accomplished by the saving blood of Jesus Christ (his righteousness) and the inner workings of the Holy Spirit.
In all honesty I must add, the bible specifies that it's actually better to not marry or even be in a relationship whether you are gay or not. If you happen to fall in love with someone, then your supposed to stick with that person only - married or not because to sleep with another person even after breaking up or lusting after another after breaking up, is considered adultery biblically.
In all honesty, you're taking the Bible out of context. Paul was talking to a specific people. God designed men and women to reflect his Triune relationship, in marriage. That's what marriage is. To debase marriage, is to debase a beautiful blessing from God. Also, if no-one got married and sex can only be had within marriage, how would humanity continue? It wouldn't.
Why the bible says this in the New Testament, is simply preparing us for really entering the kingdom of heaven - and like I said, there are no relationships there - just brotherly, sisterly, and parental love.
No, it's because our love for our Creator and Saviour will be the completion of the love we experienced on earth. Our love for our brothers and sisters in Christ will be an extension of that in Heaven.
The flesh is made from the dust of the earth, so that is the only reason we feel sexual urges is due to biological hormones and chemicals.
You're forgetting we're made in the Image of God, our Creator and Lord. We are physical and spiritual beings, have a body and soul/spirit. God breathed his very life into Adam to kick-start his lungs. We need God's love more than we need air. Human beings are sexual beings, God made us this way. It's not just 'science'. Science is interesting but limited; has no 'soul'. It's cold-hard facts based on repetitious observation of the physical. Metaphysical questions and understandings simply can't be confirmed or explored properly using Science. I've not devaluing Science, it's a beautiful thing that helps us understand the physical world, in which we live but it can't be used to address matters of faith etc. that's not it's role/function.
But whether your homosexual or heterosexual, your flesh is your flesh - and the flesh is the sinful nature. You either overcome it. Or You don't.
Flesh (our sinful humanity, being born into sin etc.) is different to the physical flesh (our bones, blood, skin, nervous system, organs etc). God doesn't say that the spiritual is only important and that the physical is superfluous. That's denigrating God and is a teaching that closer to the foul stench of Gnosticism than anything of a biblical nature. We won't be floating spirits in Heaven (or more accurately, on the New Heaven and the New Earth). Our heavenly bodies will be material but perfect. The sin that cursed every part of creation is the curse. The physical world itself isn't a curse. You need to understand that.
I've been really wanting to fall in love and be with a great guy for some time now; I'm a fairly attractive girl so I do get a decent amount of male attention. However, I keep praying to God to keep my mind off men and focused on him, getting to heaven, and trudging along this listless world until he finally comes to smite the mashugana out of the wicked and take us back to the life we really belong too.
Wow. And that is your problem. God doesn't want you to think about life beyond this world so much that you abandon any desire to do God's will in this world. Being focused on God is great but the getting to Heaven bit is only accomplished by Christ's saving grace and the working of the Holy Spirit, you can't do that on your own merit. Yes, this world is tough and at times a horrible place to live but we have work to do while we're here. The physical world isn't the issue, sin is.
Yeah it sucks not to fall in love because that's what my body wants and my worldly mind wants - but is God evil or bad for this preposition? Not at all. If it's Father's established ways that this is the reality, then so be his ways.
It sounds like you're using God as an excuse not to pursue romantic relationships. God isn't denying you love, you're denying yourself love. I don't know your story but that's the view I get from reading your posts. Your sinful humanity likely wants to love someone for selfish reasons (same goes for everyone else) but God originally designed love for selfless reasons. That doesn't mean that romantic love isn't of God, it just means you have to be very careful when entering a relationship and that you should have your eyes forever fixed on God and that you should build your relationship on Him.
I mean think about it - A temporary romp for maybe 60 or so years of a temporary life with a partner - or the eternal Kingdom of Heaven which is greater than anything anyone can imagine? I choose heaven.
I want both and I don't think there's anything wrong with this. Just because something is temporary, doesn't mean it has no value. Again, marriage is a foretaste of God's Triune love and his complete, holy love for his people that will be revealed fully come the New Heaven and the New Earth. I sense a lot of hurt. It's not healthy, sister to debase marriage. Marriage is intensely spiritual, designed by God out of His love for us.
Besides, if you get rid of the sex and romance with a significant other, they really function more like a brother or sister anyway - looking out for you, loving you, protecting you, enjoying your company etc.
Yes, sex and romance would be factors that make the relationship something more than sisterly or brotherly in nature but I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that this means there's no need for marriage.
Sex and sexuality are both overrated.
Outside of God's perfect Will, I'm sure sex is overrated - it seeks to deny the spiritual aspect. Within His Will though, I'm sure sex is a beautiful thing. Sexuality on the other hand can't be divorced from your identity in Christ. It's more than being born male or female, it's all about being made in the Image of God.
The world teaches us to abide by these things and live by them. No thanks. I like God's way because the world's way is Satan's way.
True. I agree that you shouldn't listen to the world. Society tells us everything is about sex, that's not true. I love God's way too but I don't see how marriage is Satan's way, just because it's temporary. Might want to think that one through a bit more.
And Satan is doomed for destruction.
God Bless, mate.