The only correction I would like to offer; is that while many Jewish believers, myself included, continue to observe the appointed times of Lev 23 as figures and illustrations of various aspects of Jesus ministry on earth; few if any of us keep the dietary laws or are Torah observant; and any Jewish believer who, understands Eph 2:8-10, will not try to put believers under Law.
The HRM is NOT A JEWISH THING; in fact they are almost entirely Gentiles masquerading as Jews; and most of them hold to some form of replacement theology.
The only two truly Jewish Messianic groups that I am aware of are:
Friends of Israel, an outgrowth of American Board of Mission to the Jews.
Chosen People, a ministry started and led by Mitch and Zahavah Glasser, who were members of First Covenant Church of San Francisco, when I met them.
Neither of these are legalistic; and both encourage their members to attend and serve in Biblically sound mainstream churches.
The HRM is NOT A JEWISH THING; in fact they are almost entirely Gentiles masquerading as Jews; and most of them hold to some form of replacement theology.
The only two truly Jewish Messianic groups that I am aware of are:
Friends of Israel, an outgrowth of American Board of Mission to the Jews.
Chosen People, a ministry started and led by Mitch and Zahavah Glasser, who were members of First Covenant Church of San Francisco, when I met them.
Neither of these are legalistic; and both encourage their members to attend and serve in Biblically sound mainstream churches.
Thanks for your remarks.
I have another question that perhaps you or someone can answer. Maybe it's already been answered by someone.
Is there an attempt for Hebrew Roots people to claim that they are physical descendents of Jacob? Herbert Armstrong taught British Israelism in an attempt to do that. In fact, he claimed to be a descendant of King David himself. I guess if you pay someone enough money to do your geneology, you can get them to say anything you want.
It's funny how Scripture specifically addresses not getting involved in geneology things yet he did it anyways.
While racism was not supposed to be a factor in Worldwide Church of God, I know that on occasion this British Israelism did cause some degree of hard feelings amongst members of different racial backgrounds, and I wouldn't doubt if it affected the ministry selection process in earlier years. The idea was that the ministry was mostly formed of those who were descendants of Levi, so I am guessing that implied a preference for white men in their theology.
I don't think this is a big factor with Hebrew Roots from what I've heard so far, but I wonder if the racism thing does show up there.