Now we have seen that HaShem told us He didn't command Israel to give offerings. Now it may seem to some that this can be misunderstood. Yet it is clear, and concise. So lets move on.
As any that has followed this knows, I have left hints that the Law was in place before Sinai. I do stand by that, and we will look at that in time, so please hold your disagreement until then. You see I know this idea is not something many will agree with, and even the Hebrew people don't for the most part. So lets drop that, however I did wish to bring that to everyone's attention.
As we all know or should know Sacrifice has been around from the exposition from the garden. HaShem has been said to have made it a requirement when He sacrificed an animal, and covered Adam and Eve with it's skin.
Gen 3:21 One really good semester if you ask me. Any who, (some is going to say I don't use proper American) I do see, and do follow the teaching, that this was most likely the first ever Day of Atonement. It is also clear that we have way to say that HaShem commanded this be done after this day. We also don't know that He didn't, so you make up your own mind on that. All we do know is that the Word doesn't record one way or the other.
From that point on, we find many sacrifices being made, by many people. Most of them can be seen as a thanksgiving offering. History has shown that once a people start doing something, they tend to keep doing it. It is on us to decide what we think when the Word is silent on a topic. This is done by seeking everything said on the topic, and using ones common sense. It also helps to talk with others, and seek the truth. After all we are all looking for truth, and any that say I have it all warped up for you, is one that we should always take with a pound of salt. Why? They are human, and that makes us all pron to mistakes.
Now lets take a look at the feast. Don't worry, I am still on the same topic.
In Leviticus 23 we find the feast. How they should be observed, and when. They are His feast, and in time we will see them once more observed by all nations, or any nation that doesn't go to Jerusalem to observe the feast of Tabernacles will get no rain for a year. Trust me, living in the desert I know that would not fun. For info on that please see, Zac. 14: 16-19. For the nitpickers, no it doesn't say no for a year, it is however implied.
Now I know that some will wish to say, "See told you" As we know the first ever Passover was held in Egypt. Ex. 12:14. We can also see clearly that is was not a commandment, rather it was given as an Ordnance. Though it is true that an ordnance can be seen as law, that isn't a commandment. The one thing we must make clear here is that with the feast, we can look at them as prophecy. They are after a shadow of things to come.
As we move foreword in time, we come to the feast. In Num.28 we find a commandment to keep the feast in their time. Yes I know that passage doesn't say feast, however the chapter is about the feast. We should take care to keep that in mind. Now in the feast we do find some sacrifices being commanded. So why do we now have them, when up to this point there has been no commandment to do so? The feast all point to some event in the future. It is when they are all fulfilled that we as humans will find the truth in all it's glory. You see at that point we will be with our King, and He will advise us on His Word. Or as I like to think, He will place His truth in us. Then poof, our eyes will be opened and we will see it as it should be. Until then, all we have is our understanding, and no matter what, we know deep down we don't really know for a fact that we are 100% right.
In the feast we have some sacrifices that are given as a commandment. However we must make note here that at Sinai it was ordained, not commanded. Num.28:6. I think we can all see the difference there. Though I am almost 100% sure at lest one person will want to argue it.
So let us look at the feast first, then I will give the understanding I will stand by. That is until someone steeps up and with wisdom, and understanding can show I am wrong.
As we all know, or should, Passover is clear pic of Yeshua's sacrifice for us. I don't think that will be contended, although I can be wrong. With Passover comes 7 days of unleavened bread. It is the understanding of our class that this holds to the time when we as His followers will be persecuted, and even find our selves wondering in the wilderness. Please see, Mat. 24:15-22 I think it is. As you read this keep in mind how the first Passover was to be kept. In both we find that we should be ready to leave right now, don't look back, don't wait, just go. Also as with Passover, the Blood of the Lamb is our protection.
Next we come to First fruits.Lev. 23:10
Although some are willing to jump up and say, "YOUR WRONG" it may be in your mind, not in mine, and you will see why just keep reading. This is without much debate a feast that points to Yeshua being risen from the grave. Yes I know Tomb, same so oh same oh.
It is with this in mind that MANY follow First fruits is held on the 18th of Abib, known today as Nissan. By seeing it in this manner we place Yeshua's resurrection on the 3rd day after His crucifixion. What we see is that HaShem offered for us the best He had to give. Not only following His Own laws, we also see that He embraced them.
Next we come to, what is called the feast of weeks. Altough today it is called Pentecost by most. Looking back we can clearly see, this pointed to the day of Pentecost as we see it in Acts. 2:1. Most see the poring out of the Spirit as it's purpose. You will get no argument from much of anyone on that.
Then comes my personal second favorite. Trumpets. Lev.23:24
So how is Trumpets prophetic? As we know, or should, Yeshua will return to rule over the earth for 1000 years with the sounding of the last of 7 trumpets. Rev.11:15 That's a day I hope to be in Jerusalem. Will it be on the same day as the feast? I really don't know, if any of you can show it from Scripture, please let us know. I am willing to say I think it might be that day.
As we come a day that a lot of people will find horrific, The day of Atonement. I can't speak for anyone other than my self here. I know that we are al sinners, and as I have said many times, any one that say's their not isn't be honest with them self. As we know, every one will stand before HaShem to be judged. Rev. 20:12. It is the pray of us that all man kind be found in the Book of life, yet we know that simply isn't going to happen. As Yeshua told us, many will be turned away. Luke 13:25-27. Sadly as is made clear, they will think they served Him, yet He doesn't know them.
It is for this reason that we must work to find the truth of HaShem, and walk in it.
Now we come to my favorite of them all. Booths. Lev. 23:34
Though some may not think about it, this should be seen as a shadow of the day we enter Heaven to dwell with HaShem.
Understanding this, it becomes clear that the sacrifices also fit with prophecy.
Let the condemnation begin.