it may not always make sense. But in the case of a loving God, their can be no other way.
you can say you are a loving God, yet not show that love, doing so walks right into satans hands. And makes him a winner not a loser,,
And this is incorrect (and actually not the topic either) since unbelievers are condemned for their sin and unbelief and not because of God. I think we agree here. But once you understand that the lost state of lost men are in and by itself a condemned state, this will clear up things.
I always say if the shoe fits, it may be old to you, but it fits perfectly with what you are promoting,
and ps. Like I said, dead people can walk, they can talk, they can make decisions, they can eat or sleep, they can do lots of things, so your example of a dead person is actually less realistic than the robot
where have you ever seen a gift not something that is offered? And what do you think it means when it says whoever believes, whoever calls, whoever repents etc etc?
Guess what? I believe exactly what it says, whosoever believes - believes. But I do not insert into that "act of believing" a natural ability in natural man of "choosing" to believe. I believe what it says in Eph.2 of the state of lost men.
what do you think God does when he convicts the world of sin righteousness and judgment, the fruit of the spirit is given to them who are saved after they recieve the spirit, i would think someone like you understood this fact, repentance and faith for salvation are different things,
Yes, the Spirit convicts and then transform the sinner into a righteous man (Rom.4:5, 8:13-14). This work I attest to God alone, without the help or co-work of the sinner.
Notice what the Spirit works:
John 16
[8] And when he is come,
he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Of sin, because they believe not on me;
[10] Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
[11] Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
So, the sinning world does NOT believe in Jesus. This is exactly what the very Spirit of God reproves the world of. The very same world that cannot also receive the Spirit (John 14:17). This means that this (the justification of the ungodly) is a translation from death to life in which God is the sole acting part.
yep he is, just like you and I could resist, it does not mean we will. What you fail to grasp is the power of God in a persons life, to bring them to repentance, Peter understood it, you have the words of eternal life, he could have like the rest left also. But why did he not? They did not believe, he was still seeking even though he did not understand at the time, he kept walking.
Like already said, the Spirit does its monergistic work in converting sinners. To not understand all is another thing altogether, someone can believe and be saved without understanding everything of God's word. How was it with those that left? We do not know for sure. But Peter being chosen, also to such a high office, we do know about.
yes, sin must be forgive, justification must occure, until then, a person remains dead, they have not been regenerated yet,
It's not that you have put up a lot of harmonizing scripture (if any) to explain your point. I see no temporal distinction between justification and regeneration, while a "logical sequence" would have them in said order. Yet let alone do I see that they are caused and conditioned upon what a spiritually dead man does.
There is no difference between a spiritual man's birth than a birth of the flesh. You just don't ask your parents as unborn to be born first and thereby cause your own birth. So, this can be foolishness for you, maybe. I will yet go with what scripture says and not what "makes sense" or is taken for granted to men.
another wasted time.
same time? Get real man, thats made up stuff, your puppet master God is not real And I have no more desire to continue this nonsensical discussion,
Up to you how you see it. It's your "choice", eh.

But, yes, we have talked about this topic quiet a few times before. Yes, we have.