the holy spirit is the Sabbath
it is the rest
If you believe that then WE could not KEEP the Sabbath, but the Sabbath would be keeping us.
For it is the HOLY SPIRIT that seals one's heart. Not something we do or do not do upon one day a week, but how the Holy Spirit changes our lives every day and every breath we take.
We find rest in Christ, but we work on any day that God calls us to work. We do whatever God asks us to do whether it be Sunday, Saturday, Monday or any other day for all the days are named after pagan gods, yet YOU still use them.
Saturday is named after the Roman god: Saturn.
I liked the title of this thread and thought it might give reassurance to those who seek to know how God has sealed their hearts.
instead I find rabid condemnation from one who does not understand how Christ is the Sabbath Rest. How the Holy Spirit is the true seal. Or how God asks His children to be a light unto the world EVERY DAY not just one day a week.
We are His ambassadors and we rest when God gives us rest and we work when God asks us to. Just as the "tithe" is not 10 percent of your earnings but 100% of your money, mind, heart, soul, time and life.
The false teachings you find is when people try and go back to teaching watered down Old Testament law. If you want to keep the Sabbath according to the OT then you must not leave your "village" gates, carry any wood (stone those who do), cook any food, SACRIFICE goats and sheep for your sins, etc.
Instead most "Sabbath keepers" make excuses as WHY they don't do certain things, yet do not realize that same reason as to WHY they should not or do not have to do the things they condemn others for not enslaving themselves to.
anyway for those who came because of the title:
How to know if you are sealed?
You have the Holy Spirit in your heart. You have His peace and Joy. God's love overflows and gives you wisdom to speak His words of life and give hope to those around you. You have walked with the Holy Spirit and display the Fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness and self control.
you are chastened when you sin and redirected to repentance and shown His ways. You turn daily from the pursuits of the world and focus your mind upon the things of God. Your heart does not see why people chase after glittery things that fade: new cars, computers, cellphones, clothes, etc. Instead you know that true treasure is found in the smile of a small orphan child.
It might not happen overnight, but those who have been Sealed by God's Holy Spirit see the world through spiritual eyes and their priorities change from just appearing to have a form of godliness to having compassion and love and forgiveness as God has forgiven and loves us.
I pray that everyone will KNOW in their hearts the Seal of God, who is the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you to all Knowledge and Truth and away from the false doctrines of men who try and enslave you to more lies.