yes -- we need to find the person and work of the Messiah in all these scriptures, and doing so, walk in Him. the testimony of Him is the right dividing of the word, and the imitation of His ways is the right practice of His word.
in Genesis 2:1-3 it looks like on the 8th day God sanctified the 7th. does this speak of Christ, of whom the 8th day is representative, the day of renewal and newness, justifying and reconciling creation to Himself? our faith is 'He has done it' - He accomplished and purchased our salvation. we can look at that holy 7th as His finished work; remembering it is remembering that it is He who sanctifies us -- which is what the purpose of the sabbaths given to Israel was, "a sign between Me and them" ((Exodus 31:13, Ezekiel 20:12))
this tells me that when i remember a sabbath, to keep it is to remember that i do not add to my sanctification either by doing or non-doing. it is He who sanctifies me. it is remembering -- that He faithfully gave manna in the wilderness, that when it did not appear on the 7th day i can trust that it will again on the 8th. that He completed the heavens and the earth and the host of them and saw that what He had worked was good. that i should trust, and rejoice in Him, and be full of thanks - anxious for nothing, keeping those things in mind