In all this thread there’s not been one verse stating that God has elected anyone for salvation.
Jesus Christ is God’s elect.
Jesus Christ is God’s elect.
He also denied the word of God was Scripture, claiming that it contained errors and inconsistency.
His view of corporate election IS true in the sense that the Church is elected or chosen to live holy lives and to fulfill the Great Commission, but salvation is by individual election.
I have listed Scriptures that are clear in this regard.
By the way, if I'm not mistaken, you are an open theist and believe that God doesn't even have exhaustive knowledge of the future. I belonged to a cult that taught something similar. When I first came in contact with them, I asked the minister about predestination. He said, God didn't even know you were going to exist, and that your mother and father would have sex and you would be the result. I was dumb enough at that time to believe him, even though I knew what Romans 8-9 taught. I wasn't familiar with Isaiah, who says clearly that God knows all things, and conforms them to his purpose.
While open-theism is the most consistent form of free-will theology, it is also the most consistently ridiculous view
And, God does not live his life in sequence like mere mortal men.
It is clearly the tendency of free-willers to drag God down to their level, in order to justify their theology and their presuppositions.
Again, I have clearly described that the Father elects certain individuals from the foundation of the world. He has given those to the Son, who atones for their sin. The Holy Spirit applies the benefits of the atonement to the person in time and space.
It is all consistent and biblical.
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