I must admit I am getting more and more "negative" toward Calvinism the more I read on here and on the internet. Some adherents to this theology seem to use a "pidgeon hole" strategy. Where they pin you into a certain heresy, and no matter which direction you move, you are in some heresy.
Or I guess I could call it "boogeymen strategy" as one guy on youtube called it. You will be called: Catholic, Pelagian, Arminian, Synergist, Universalist, wanting credit for salvation, worshiping free-will, cant stand a sovereing God and on it goes. We also have many false dichotomies, playing around with Augustine/Pelagius, Sufficient/Efficient and listing of scholars of the past. There is a good video about it where someone breaks down these different tactics used. This causes you to be constantly on the defensive, meaning you have to say "No I am not in this heresy and here is why:". It balances out the conversation to the favor of the one pressing the issue.
The funny thing is that most Christians probably dont even know what many of those words mean. I would consider myself a fairly simple person. I like the KISS method (keep it simple stupid!). I pick up my Bible, I read it, I compare Scripture with Scripture, I pray about it, I believe it and come to a final conclusion and settle in a doctrine or a teaching from it.
I try not to pin any labels on myself, because if I did, I would be rejected by most or some in that camp anyway. I would be considered a Dispensational, moderate charismatic, pre-trib rapture believing synergist mishmash of things lol.
Or I guess I could call it "boogeymen strategy" as one guy on youtube called it. You will be called: Catholic, Pelagian, Arminian, Synergist, Universalist, wanting credit for salvation, worshiping free-will, cant stand a sovereing God and on it goes. We also have many false dichotomies, playing around with Augustine/Pelagius, Sufficient/Efficient and listing of scholars of the past. There is a good video about it where someone breaks down these different tactics used. This causes you to be constantly on the defensive, meaning you have to say "No I am not in this heresy and here is why:". It balances out the conversation to the favor of the one pressing the issue.
The funny thing is that most Christians probably dont even know what many of those words mean. I would consider myself a fairly simple person. I like the KISS method (keep it simple stupid!). I pick up my Bible, I read it, I compare Scripture with Scripture, I pray about it, I believe it and come to a final conclusion and settle in a doctrine or a teaching from it.
I try not to pin any labels on myself, because if I did, I would be rejected by most or some in that camp anyway. I would be considered a Dispensational, moderate charismatic, pre-trib rapture believing synergist mishmash of things lol.
this is great ^^^^ it appears you have come to understand the tactics being used and they are TAUGHT these tactics because of the opposition to Calvinism which exists in an understanding of scripture
exactly why the personal attack is another favorite move...get the person on the defensive and put them off balance
just write ad hominem attack and move on. nothing they can do about that
and another is using words that even they don't always know the meaning of. copy paste is a great help in those situations
I agree I dislike more and more also the more I look into. just recently bought 2 books that expose the lies of this cult, including a debate held between a non-Calvinist and a Calvinist
we almost agree on belief...I'm just not pre-trib but that's ok.
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